Author: Joseph Abbott

  • How to Choose a Veterinarian

    Choosing a veterinarian can have a big impact on your dog’s short- and long-term health, and consequently happiness and quality of life. So it is important to take time to find the right veterinarian for your, and your pet. It is important that your animal doctor not just be great with animals, but also have…

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  • Aggression Triggers in Dogs

    Every animal, including humans, can become aggressive when they are put in certain situations, and dogs are no different. If a dog feels annoyed, upset, or scared, it can get aggressive as a means of protecting itself, its territory, or its family (e.g. her puppies or human family members). As natural as justified aggressive behavior…

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  • petting golden retriever puppy on leash

    How to Pet a Dog

    It may seem like a silly question to ask, but petting a dog properly is more than just stroking its back, and scratching under its chin. There is a proper way to approaching a dog, and petting it; doing so indiscriminately, and without forethought can lead to dog bites or attacks. Dogs are territorial animals,…

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  • Grain Free Dog Food: Is It a Healthy Alternative to Traditional Dog Food?

    Keeping your dog healthy can be a challenge, and part of this challenge is providing him the best nutritional intake possible. Picking the proper dog food that is appropriate for your specific dog (breed) can be a tough task, and one question that often comes up is whether a grain free diet is healthier than…

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  • Dog Vaccination: Vaccination Schedule for Dogs & Puppies

    Like their human companions, dogs have health care needs, the most important part of which is vaccinations. And since they can’t go get vaccinated themselves, it falls upon their owners to follow recommended vaccinations schedules in general, and the veterinarian’s in specific. Puppy vaccinations happen during the first year of life and include a variety…

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  • Veterinarian giving an injection to a cat on the surgical table pet healthcare concept

    Cat Vaccination: Vaccination Schedule for Cats & Kittens

    Cats may seem like they are better than everyone (they certainly seem to think so), but they still need the protection of vaccines in order to live a healthy and happy life. As with dogs, there are a number of core, and non-core vaccines which are available through a veterinarian. The core vaccines are for…

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  • Dog Lifespan

    The question of life expectancy is one that inevitably comes up when a new canine family member is being considered. People either want to know the commitment they have to make, or want to be prepared for the sad eventuality of losing a beloved companion. Regardless of the reason behind the curiosity, there are a…

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  • Cat Lifespan

    Lifespan is often a question that comes up when someone is considering a new pet. Some people are concerned, about the length of commitment that will have to be made, and others worry about losing their new friend sooner than they imagine. Either way, the question is an important one for new pet owners to…

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  • veterinary technician

    Veterinary Technician: Education & Work

    Veterinary technicians are one of the main technical supports which assists veterinarians in treating and caring for animals. In order to become a veterinary technician, those interested are required to attend a college program which is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The coursework of such college programs is comprehensive and provides future veterinary…

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  • labrador rolling in grass

    Why Do Dogs Roll in Grass?

    Dogs can be goofy, and their goofy behavior can cause their human pals to ask questions about their behavior, and wonder whether it is normal or a sign of something. Rolling in grass is one such oddity that makes dog owners ask what their dog is up to. As with most questions about animal (and…

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