Author: Joseph Abbott

  • puppy and kittens sleeping

    Weaning Kittens and Puppies

    After a cat or dog gives birth, their litter survives solely by relying on nourishment from their mother’s milk. Kittens and puppies nurse for several weeks as their bodies get stronger, immune systems develop and they begin to engage with their siblings, their environment, and their new senses of sight, hearing, etc. However, after a…

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  • Common Lies Vets Tell Pet Parents

    Do you wonder why episodes on reality shows where the cast “tells all” are so popular? People love the dish, the truth, the real details about what actually goes on behind the scenes.  The same is true about many aspects of our lives.  People love finding out what their friends are really thinking or what…

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  • Rottweiler nursing puppies

    Pregnant Pet Care 101

    Pregnancy is an exciting season, whether you are a human about to have a child, or if you are a pet owner about to welcome a new litter of puppies or kittens.  But as with any significant change, there are plenty of challenges along the way, and important facts to be aware of while caring…

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  • Golden Retriever with puppy

    Maternal Instincts and Pets

    All animals have natural maternal instincts that provides them wisdom about how to care for their young.   A previously independent cat or rambunctious dog suddenly becomes an expert on how to feed and care for their littler the moment they become parents. What kinds of behaviors can pet-owners expect to see from their pets when…

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  • The Correlation Between Pet Obesity and Respiratory Disease

    Obesity is one of the greatest threats that domestic pets face. Poor diet, a lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle habits leave cats and dogs susceptible to the ailments that often accompany obesity, including joint strain, spinal weakness, arthritis, diabetes and cancer.  However, not many people are aware that obesity also lends itself to lung…

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  • Assembling a Pet-Care Evacuation Kit

    Every region in the United States has some sort of natural disaster associated with that specific area. To name a few, in the mid-west there are routine tornado warnings, on the east coast and off the Gulf of Mexico there are hurricanes, and Californians face wildfires and earthquakes. These warnings can incite fear in many…

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  • What To Do If Your Dog Is Bitten By A Snake

    Playing in the wild has its risks. Whether you are an avid hiker, or you love to explore new places, there are always going to be pitfalls that are dangerous for dogs, whether they are ticks, bug bites, bee-stings, or predators. Though we seldom think of snake bites as a common occurrence in these modern…

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  • Snake Bite Symptoms and Severity

    In the United States, there is an estimated 8,000 cases of humans being bitten by venomous snakes every year.  While there is little hard evidence detailing the number of canine snake bites annually, we are only left to imagine how frequently they occur, if the number of attacks on people is so high. One animal…

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  • Golden Retriever Scratching

    Parasites in Pets: Internal and External

    When we think of a pet infected with parasites, often worms or ticks come to mind. While these two are the most common kinds of pests that feed on and breed through pets, there are actually a whole host of both internal and external parasites.  As pet parents, one of our main priorities is looking…

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  • Newborn basenji puppy

    The Psychology Behind Dog Name Trends

    Gone are the days when names like “Fluffy” and “Fido” were the go-to choices for new puppies and kittens. Classic “cutesy” names for pets have ceased to be a common choice as other trends are forming. For some reason now, the popular trends in naming pets have much more to do with the way we…

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