Author: Joseph Abbott

  • How to Be a Pack Leader for Your Dog

    One of the most important things for dog owners (especially those with larger or aggressive dog breeds) to know is the need to be an alpha, pack leader, for their dog(s). Dogs, no matter the breed, look for and want an alpha—they need to be controlled by a pack leader. Often, untrainable, hyper, or aggressive…

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  • Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

    Cushing’s Disease, or hypercortisolism, in dogs is the result of a non-cancerous pituitary tumor which causes excessive production of cortisol (a stress hormone). The Symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome The condition usually effects middle-aged or older dogs; however, it has been known to occur in young adults as well. There are certain symptoms which might indicate…

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  • Engish Mastiff profile

    English Dog Breeds

    England is one of the most prolific countries when it comes to producing popular dog breeds, with the most extensive list of breed varieties in the world. Some of the most well-known, and well-liked dog breeds are English ones. English Mastiff: The English Mastiff, a giant among dogs, is one of the oldest mastiff breeds,…

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  • Teach Your Dog to Respect Strangers

    The process of socialization, which helps your dog behave properly around strangers, ideally begins during the first few weeks of life. A puppy should be introduced to as many people as possible during the first few weeks of her life. Of course, each of those experiences should be a positive one that instills a level…

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  • cat nursing kittens

    Nutritional Needs of Cats

    As obligate carnivores, cats derive most of their protein (and consequently calories) from meat, fish, and other animal products. These dietary proteins provide all important amino acids which the cat body cannot produce independently. Deficiencies in any of these amino acids can lead to life-threatening health problems. It is important to note that vegetarian diets…

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  • three dogs eating food on balcony

    Nutritional Needs of Dogs

    Depending on the age and life stage of a dog, it will need different amounts of nutrients, especially crude proteins and fats. The amount of energy a dog needs depends on four major areas of caloric consumption: time of growth, the period during which they are pregnant, and lactating, as well as their daily level…

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  • gray wolf in forest

    Where Do Dogs Come from?

    One of the first animals to be domesticated, dogs have been companions to humans for fifteen thousand years. The domestication of dogs predates that of other animals such as goats and pigs by thousands of years—before the invention of agriculture. Recent studies suggest that the domestication of dogs took place in two distinct regions, one…

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  • closeup of cat's eyes

    Where Do Cats Come from?

    The world’s second most popular pet, cats have been part of human existence for thousands of years, but are particularly well-suited, as pets, for the modern city dweller. So, where did the fluffy feline come from? Who are its ancestors, and how did it come to be a domesticated animal? The domesticated cat can be…

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  • Dog With Sticking Out Tongue Sitting In A Car Seat

    Traveling with Your Dog

    We love taking our dogs along with us wherever possible, but long trips pose a particular challenge as they test the limits of our dog’s patience, and self-control abilities. Being able to take your dog along with you on vacation will make the time away from home even more fun and exciting, and also help…

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  • Beautiful furry cat with old vintage suitcases on the floor.

    Traveling with Your Cat

    Cats are generally docile, and don’t mind extended periods of rest and napping, so it should be a breeze traveling with a cat, but if unprepared, even house cat that is otherwise perfectly pleasant can be a nightmare to deal with on the road, and have a terrible time traveling. Generally, it is recommended that…

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