Author: Esther Johnson

  • New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners

    The New Year brings about a fresh opportunity to reprioritize the important things in life, and to focus on positive changes. Since most of us are preoccupied with thinking about our fitness or budgetary goals, or professional milestones, we often forget to consider the relationships in our lives, both with other humans and with our…

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  • Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

    Dog noses have the same kind of mystery that cat eyes possess. How can felines really see in the dark, and why are their pupils usually diamond-shaped ? Similarly, how are dogs able to pick up a scent in the snow, or sense fear? Why are their noses always wet? It is this latter question…

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  • Pet Sitting Tips for the Pet Owner

    In all of life’s busyness, it is common for pet sitters to look for last-minute care arrangements for their beloved pets when they fly home for Christmas or take that long weekend away in the spring. As the pet hotels fill up and professional sitters get booked, it can be easy to resort to whoever…

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  • Frightening Facts About Ticks

    We have addressed how to deal with ticks and fleas , and what products to use to get rid of them. But it is also important to know about these bugs that plague your pet. Check out these tick facts before you get out the tweezers. Tick Facts There are hundreds of tick species –over…

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  • Facts About Dog Noses

    Dogs are extraordinary creatures with admirable skill sets that humans have learned to rely upon. Their ability to identify and pick up difficult scents, track and rescue lost people, as well as identify narcotics, have made them an invaluable resource. Out of all the aspects of a canine’s anatomy, it is the nose which we…

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  • dogs digging at the beach

    Beach Etiquette For Dogs

    Everybody loves going to the beach, and what better way is there to enjoy the surf, sunshine and sand, then to take your favorite furry friend along!  There are all kinds of exciting new smells for a dog to discover, games of fetch to be played, Frisbees to be thrown, and sunlit naps to indulge…

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  • Training and Disciplining Aggressive Dogs

    The word “discipline” has a negative connotation, because it usually involves something unpleasant that disables us from doing what we want.   But the origin of the word comes from disciple, meaning training and teaching someone in the way they should go.  Working with and “disciplining” dogs is not about physical demonstrations as much as it…

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  • What To Do When You Have a Lazy Dog

    Cuddling on the couch with your canine pal can be a pleasant way to end a long work day. But if snoozing, lounging and eating are all your pup wants to do, that can raise some behavioral as well as physical health concerns. Is the dog really lazy? That might seem like an obvious question,…

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  • Fun Things To Do With Your Pets During the Holidays

    During the Christmas season, schedules fill up with visitors, parties, Christmas shopping, baking, family time, and delicious long draughts of eggnog by the fire. It is important in the midst of all the bustle, to see that our loyal pets don’t just get thrown to the wayside, or neglected in all the thrills and excitement.…

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  • Pets With the Christmas Spirit

    Some people like adding their dog to the Christmas card, or take them out caroling in the snow. Others simply decorate and celebrate the festivities without involving their pets at all. But when you have a furry friend just lounging around while the ornaments go on the tree, it can be easy to come up…

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