Author: Esther Johnson

  • Protecting Your Pet From Your Child

    The internet is strewn with articles about how to protect children from canine bites, or cat scratch attacks, but seldom are articles written about the threats children can pose to cats and dogs.  This is for the simple reason that most of the damage children do to pets is minor, infrequent and usually unintentional. Children…

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  • dog driniking cocktail

    What’s All The Fuss About Gourmet Pet Food?

    Have you noticed that luxury pet food restaurants are suddenly popping up everywhere? Maybe you saw it first on a friend’s Instagram post, read about them online, or passed one on a busy city street. Not only are there starting to be pet-only food trucks, but sit-down fine-dining options are now available for pets and…

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  • Gourmet Pet Restaurants – Are They A Good Idea?

    Humans enjoy gourmet bites like caviar on imported crackers and expensive champagne. Our major cities are filled with restaurants where the most skilled chefs serve the upper class the very finest foods the world has to offer. Over the last decade or so, this common practice has actually begun to shift from humans to making…

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  • muddy dogs

    The Problem of Muddy Paws

    One of the good things about warmer weather is that the snow melts and sunshine ends the rainy season. However, while still in the middle of spring, those April shower can create some decidedly muddy roads, which seldom bode well for pet parents.  From November to May, many of us find ourselves mopping up the…

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  • jack russell terrier playing fetch

    Why Dogs Love Playing Fetch

    As long has dogs have been domesticated pets, it is clear that one game seems to be the favorite of them all: fetch. There is something busy, exciting, and rewarding about tracking down a stick, and bringing it to the person you are trying to impress, or catching a ball that has disappeared into the…

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  • puppy sitting in owners lap

    5 Reasons To Take A Road Trip With Your Dog

    People venture out on road trips for different reasons. Some like to see new places, visit historical sites, or just go on an adventure of self-discovery. Whatever the purpose of your upcoming holiday, we think your experience can actually be improved by taking the dog along. Fortunately, many hotels across America (such as the Best…

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  • pit bull puppy in field

    Guard Dogs (As Puppies!)

    It is hard to break down prejudices of any kind, particularly if you have reason to fear something. If your neighbor’s Doberman were to break free from the backyard and come charging toward you, that would be a frightening sight to behold. Dogs like Mastiffs, Pit Bulls, Huskies, Rottweilers, or Boerboels are beyond intimidating when…

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  • dog food truck

    Dog Food Trucks

    The latest culinary craze humans have rallied around over the last few years, is the food truck. Meals on wheels have become such a popular phenomenon that many cities have streets where the only food you can purchase for blocks is that of a long line of food trucks parked in succession. If you are…

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  • Cats In Trouble

    You know the face. The one where you interrupted your cat from doing something he shouldn’t. Whether he is playing in the trash, or has a mouthful of your brand new sweater, felines sometimes can display the same level of guiltiness as dogs do! Here are some of our favorite pictures of troublesome kitties or…

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  • sphynx cat sitting on man's shoulder

    Sphynx Cats

    For those unfamiliar with this particular breed, the Sphynx cat is rather jarring to behold at first glance. Their high cheekbones, prominent ears, pointy tails and most uniquely, their apparently hairless bodies make these cats stand out of a crowd.  Find out how much you actually know about this breed, and why they are so…

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