History of the Rhodesian Ridgeback
Brawny and brave, the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed has left an indelible mark on canine history. Set apart for their unusual coats and remarkable courage, Rhodesian Ridgebacks have long been considered trusted hunting companions as well as a necessary family members to many dog owners worldwide.
Originally hailing from Zimbabwe in Southern Africa, the coppery canines can be traced back to the 17th century when Cape Town’s Dutch colonials began breeding domestic dogs. These pets were first developed from the fierce ridge-backed hunting dogs kept by the Khoikhoi people.
The first line of what we now know as Rhodesian Ridgebacks can be traced back to the Boer hunting dogs. These dogs would assist the European settlers with farming, pulling heavy wagons, hunting, and guarding the homesteads. Boer dogs are believed to be a combination of the native African Khoikhoi hunting dogs, African veldt dogs, and the domestic Great Danes, Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and terrier dog breeds brought to Africa by the Dutch pioneers.
In 1879, Reverend Charles Helm of the Cape Colony had two ridge-back African veldt dogs on a journey to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). There he met a big-game hunter named Cornelius van Rooyen, who seldom faced the vast African wilds without his own trusty hunting dogs. The two became friends when Reverend Helm performed van Rooyen’s wedding ceremony later that year. Anxious to benefit from the same protective skills his friend’s canines possessed, Reverend Helm bred his own two ridge-back bitches with van Rooyen’s hunting dogs, and so began the start of the Rhodesian Ridgeback bloodline.
By blending the following litters with ruddy-colored Airedale terriers, pointers and collies, van Rooyen’s family was then able to round out the physical characteristics, skill sets and personality of the future lion-hunting dogs.
The early Rhodesians were trained to work in a pack or 4-6 dogs who would bay the targeted lions while on a hunt. This would enable the hunter then to kill the lion, thereby ridding nearby villages and colonies of the frightening menace. Though Rhodesians are called “lion hunters” because of their dauntless courage and fortitude, no single dog is a match for a raging lion without several other canines offering support. That said, these determined fighters would be able to successfully triumph over vicious wild boars and baboons unaided by humans or other dogs.
Appearance & Description
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known for their sleek, muscular bodies, and short ruddy coats. They are well proportioned in size, made for both speed and strength.
Overall Breed standards (according to the AKC):
Head: The broad head of the coppery Ridgey is wide, flat and strong. It should lie evenly, and have a few visible wrinkles in the soft facial fur. The muzzle is ideally wide and strong, and the scissor bite is preferred. The eyes should be large, round, wide set, and have a bright, intent appearance. The high set ears are neither droopy nor do they stand on end, rather lining up close to the eyes and framing the face. If the dog has a black pigmented nose, he should also have dark brown/black eyes. Rhodesians with lighter brown or liver-colored noses should have golden/amber colored eyes. Both clear-faced dogs (one-color of fur) and dogs with a black muzzle, ear tips and eyes are both acceptable.
Coat: The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s coats is short-haired and sleek, allowing them to function comfortably in hot climates. Their glossy coats tend to shed very little if kept as inside dogs; outside dogs may experience seasonal-based heavier shedding, though it is still minimal when compared with other breeds. One of the most distinctive features on this breed is the “ridge” on their backs. This line of hair grows opposite to the grain, and lies exactly above the spine, beginning behind the shoulders. Though not all Rhodesian Ridgebacks have the trademark ridge, it an unusual case for an animal not to possess one. The hair on the ridge can grow against the regular grain, or in a circular direction. These are called “whorls” (or “whirl”) and Ridgebacks with double whorls (called a “crown”) have the highest likelihood of winning at dog shows. Having only one crown (one whorl) or more than two is considered a serious fault, and dogs born without the iconic ridge will be disqualified from a competition.
According to the official Rhodesian Ridgeback breed standards, show judges may allow for some white patches of fur, on the chest, and feet; however excessive black and white spots are not ideal.
Coat Grooming: Rhodesian Ridgebacks should be bathed with hypoallergenic shampoos or those with a light, subtle fragrance once a month. In the meantime, they require rubber curry brushing every week, followed by a wipe-down with a damp cloth to eliminate the loosened hair. Finally, the Ridgey’s fast-growing nails should be trimmed weekly.
Body: The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a sinewy and muscular breed. They have evenly proportioned and symmetrical bodies designed for strenuous activities. A healthy Rhodesian Ridgeback should weigh between 70-85 pounds, and be between 24-28 inches high.
Forequarters: The forelegs of the Rhodesian Ridgeback should have substantial bones, standing straight, disbursing equal weight between the two front legs. The rounded toes should be thick, and will padded on the paw, growing hair on and between each toe for added cushioning. (Some owners choose to remove the dew claw of these dogs.) The paws of a Ridgey are slightly webbed, to enable them to keep their balance over the sandy African terrain and padded grasslands.
Hindquarters: A Rhodesian Ridgeback’s hind legs should strong, with well-defined muscles like that of the front legs. They should rest evenly, with the hocks down.
- Color variations: Unlike many dog breeds, the Rhodesian Ridgeback does not come in many color variations. Their hair is banded, meaning it is lighter at the base of the scalp and darker at the tip, giving these dogs a glistening look. The breed standard demands for copper-toned skin, though there can be a slight variance in shade, including light wheaten, red wheaten, buff, gold, ruddy-golden. On occasion, some white markings on the chest or toes are considered acceptable, though only in moderation. Some Ridgey dogs have black fur around the ears, eyes and muzzle. NOTE: In the UK, breeders have been known to try to pass off “black and tan” or “brindled” dogs as unique or rare Rhodesians. This is not correct, and these markings may be the result of a cross breed. That said, there can be the occasional grey Rhodesian Ridgeback, but this is not show-worthy or up to standard, and should therefore not be bred.
- Cost of breed: The pricing of Rhodesian Ridgebacks can vary. Some breeders charge anywhere between $500-2,000 per dog, but depending on the kind of ridge, their body structure, and the bloodlines, a Ridgey could cost even more. Certain lifetime expenses (such as medical need and vaccinations) for a Rhodesian Ridgeback ought to also be considered by prospective owners, since this breed will require dedicated training. Factor in obedience training courses, house training, Canine Good Citizen Certificates (advised), and skill set training as an important part of raising Ridgeys.
Temperament & Behaviors
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are referred as “lion hunters” without the person really understanding the name. Instead fiercely killing the lions themselves, the dogs were agile and around 65-80 pounds so that they could get out of harm’s way while baiting the lion, but not killing it. Many irresponsible breeders now try to beef up the dog, raising 100-120 lb animals that look as aggressive as the term “lion-killer” would suggest. This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of their nature skill set and original design. Ridgebacks were bred as hounds, hunters, and guard dogs and these aspects of their temperament must be well understood by their handler. These are the basic breakdowns of each facet of the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s traits and drives:
Hunters: While RIdgies were bred for tenacity and fearlessness while hunting, they were never intended to be the “killer” of the big game. These dogs worked as a team, using both sight ability and keen scent instinct to find the prey and pursue it. This persistent and focused nature will make them inclined to race after squirrel; meaning they are best kept on the leash while out on a walk. That said, Ridgies can surprisingly live peacefully with smaller animals, as long as they are well-socialized from an early age. Because of their design as hunters, Ridgies can run for miles and miles without tiring.
Hounds: Rhodesian Ridgebacks are considered “sight hounds” in some areas, and “scent hounds” in others; both of which are accurate since these dogs have been equipped with the dual skill set. As a hound, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is an independent thinker, which can often turn into the RIdgey trying to make his own decision. If he thinks his way is right, it could leave the owner following blindly behind. Unlike obedience and command-driven “working dogs” such as German Shepherds and Labradors, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are less “eager to please” and are more curious to see how consistent you will be. They view any indecision and inconsistency as weakness, and will disregard orders and rely on their own decision-making abilities if they do not think their owner worth listening to. Be wary of this, and stay consistent and firm with your dog.

Guard dogs: The inclination to guard is one of the Ridgeback’s most winning behavioral trademarks. They are loyal family dogs, while being aloof and a little suspicious of strangers. Many Ridgeback owners can attest to their dogs guarding a guest in their home by keeping them backed into a corner (they rarely ever bite or lash out in violence), just merely keeping them the owner returns. Though there are many challenging areas in which a Rhodesian would require special attention and training, for the most part they are considered excellent family dogs.
Positive Aspects
- These dogs are a quieter breed than most, since they do not bark often or without reason. This makes them the ideal companion for city-dwellers, or those with neighbors close by.
- Ridgies have a keen sense of danger. Though they are not horribly suspicious, they have a wary nature and a good ability to identify a threat. They are always on the alert, and will generally only bark if there is something to be concerned about.
- Rhodesian RIdgebacks are not finicky about food. While it is always preferable to provide animals with quality nutrition, this breed will happily eat anything in their food bowl. The sturdy Rhodesian Ridgeback is also known for having a digestive system of steel, rarely getting canine-common stomach upsets.
- They are known for having plenty of energy and stamina when it comes to outdoor sports, activities and long journeys.
- Ridgies are intelligent dogs, and are responsive to training when there is a clarity about who is in charge.
- They are social dogs that enjoy living with their humans, playing with the family, and always want to be where the action is. (They are also champion cuddle-buddies after a busy day.)
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks have ideal, sleek fur coats. They are low-maintenance when it comes to grooming and tend to be a healthier kind of dog. They do not shed often, seldom getting overheated, and even if they work strenuously in hotter climates, and they rarely have a strong body odor.
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks are beautiful dogs, whose athletic aesthetic makes them very popular.

Negative Aspects
- When Rhodesian Ridgebacks are young, they have very sharp teeth. (This is actually a good thing, since it will remind the owners/handlers not to let the puppy chew on them at all, since this can be a difficult habit to break.)
- Young Ridgebacks love to chew on things, and will need to be crate-trained when they are small, so that they won’t rip the house to shreds when your back is turned. Provide these pups the right kinds of durable chew toys and help them become comfortable in the crate.
- Rhodesians will over-eat if they are allowed. They always fancy themselves to be hungry, no matter how recently they have eaten. Ridgies will also be sneaky about trying to steal food, so anything left out unprotected is fair game to them. This can be avoided by putting them on a regular feeding schedule, and refusing budge no matter how much they beg.
- They love living with people, and consequently could develop behavioral issues if they are not able to be indoors with the family. Having solitary run of the yard, or being an “outside only” pet will turn a sweet Rhodesian into an insistent and powerful dog that is tough to manage.
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks do not pair well with glamorous landscaping, since these determined dogs have been known to dig deep trenches, and rip into gardens, shrubs and tear up trees.
- They need to be occupied. Bored dogs will try to find any entertainment they can, even if this means ruining your garden, or escaping over your fence. Be warned, a 5-ft high fence can easily be cleared by the strong hind legs of a large Ridgeback hound. (If your pup escapes, understand that he might antagonize your neighbors, defecate on someone’s lawn, or even kill your neighbor’s cat. When you give a Rhodesian Ridgeback the freedom to roam the backyard for hours on end, see to it that you have a proper fence built and no plants or trees you aren’t afraid to risk losing.)
- One of the downsides to the Rhodesian’s intelligence is the trickery and willful disobedience. They will try to outsmart their owners if boundaries are not established and rules not adhered to. Obedience training is a MUST. This extends far beyond commands like “sit” and “stay.” Failing to teach the dog to submit and obey will subject you to all kinds of hazards, as they will run amuck, chewing through barriers, breaking out of crates, stealing food, etc. without any respect for their superiors. (NOTE: There have also been instances where Rhodesian Ridgebacks have attacked people in the past when seemingly unprovoked, so training, good boundaries and discipline will be important aspects of pet ownership for these powerful dogs.)
- Ridgies need to be socialized with cats and other dogs when they are very young to make cohabitation possible. Adopting an adolescent or adult Rhodesian Ridgeback could be difficult for large families, or those with dogs or cats already in the home.
- Ridgebacks also tend to play too roughly with children, and will need to learn the proper way to engage with smaller humans.
In general, Rhodesian Ridgebacks tend to be a healthier dog breed, due to their hardy athletic anatomy. Diseases such as cancer affect roughly 10% of the dogs, and when fed a high-quality diet, and exercised regularly, they usually live between 10-13 years. Many dog breeds are ailed by hip dysplasia, but only about 5% of Rhodesian Ridgebacks (taken from a sample of 8,300 dogs) were found to be dysplastic. That said, there are ailments and diseases which Ridgies are more likely to suffer from than other dogs. Their deep chests cause Rhodesian Ridgebacks to bloat, which can be fatal if not dealt with right away. Heart disease is an increasingly common cause of death, and deafness is another health concern that Ridgeback owners should be aware of. Some of the most common diseases are:
- Eye Cataracts:
- Symptoms: Eye cataracts seem to occur in Ridgies when they are younger, though it seldom turns into blindness or severe vision impairment. Most breeders will provide purchases with a scan informing them of any eye disorders early on. If a dog has cataracts, the eyes may appear milky or cloudy but otherwise have very few symptoms aside from clumsiness, occasionally bumping into objects, or failing to move out of harm’s way.
- Treatments: Dogs can be given eye drops to treat any inflammation, or they can be surgically removed if the vet believes the dog’s vision is being impaired.
- Degenerative Spinal Myelopathy
- Symptoms: This neurological spine diseases can be most often found in German Shepherd dogs, but may also be evident in Ridgies through weakness, foot-slipping, and the dragging of paws. This disease is progressive, and will develop until the dog is no longer able to stand unaided.
- Treatments: Unfortunately, there is no cure, though low-impact exercises like swimming will keep the dog as mobile as possible. On a positive note, though instances of this are found in Rhodesian Ridgebacks, it occurs in a very low percentage of dogs.
- Dermoid Sinus:
- Symptoms: This autosomal, genetic skin condition first manifests as a lump or cluster of lumps in the skin in a young dog. These may become infected or abscessed, and there may be spinal pain and rigidity if the dermoid sinus becomes connected to the spine.
- Treatments: The dermoid must be surgically removed for the pet to grow without infection and discomfort. Though this disease is not common amongst canines, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are one of the dogs most likely to suffer from dermoid sinus.
- Hyperthyroidism
- Symptoms: This imbalance of hormones seems to be a growing problem in Rhodesian Ridgebacks due to lymphocytic thyroiditis, and is first evident through weight gain and loss of hair.
- Treatments: Fortunately, it can be treated with daily doses of oral medications that are relatively inexpensive.
- Patella Luxation:
- Symptoms: A dog’s knee cap may be set loose from its place either by injury or an accident. Evidence a dislodged patella will be a limping dog, skipping (so as to avoid strain in the painful area) or the sound of popping when a dog moves his leg.
- Treatments: Knee cap luxation can be treated in a number of ways depending on what stage of injury has occurred to the patella. They can be treated via surgery if the case is severe, or by rest, and analgesics. When dogs show sign of this disease they should rest the leg and see a vet as soon as possible so that the problem does not intensify.

Further Health Concerns
Like other dog breeds, there are a number of common ailments and diseases that threaten most canines, including: obesity, diabetes and arthritis, as well as breaks and sprains. Obesity in particular is one of the greatest physical threats for Ridgies, since they will eat ceaselessly if given the chance. An important aspect of raising Rhodesian Ridgebacks is to ensure that feeding is limited with close portion control. Ridgies will continually beg for food, and are cunning enough to attempt convincing you that they are still hungry. This can lead to substantial weight gain, and some people actually overfeed their dogs out of a desire to make them as big as powerful as possible. This is not only dangerous for the animal’s health, but is not physically how these lithe runners were designed to be.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks also have emotional and mental health needs. They can be very needy if they are neglected or left for long hours alone. If Rhodesian Ridgebacks are kept as outside-only dogs, they can suffer from separation anxiety, and begin practicing negative behaviors. They were bred to hunt in packs, and act as close companion dogs, so regular and sustained interactions with their master is very important. If these dogs do not get sufficient exercise to keep their minds occupied, and bodies active, and if they are not kept around family members, their physical, emotional and mental health can suffer acutely.
Preventative Health Care
Most people would agree that it is preferable to prevent a disease rather than be forced to treat one. The best way to protect a dog from developing a disease or infection, is to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. This should include crucial aspects such as regular exercise, high-quality nutrition, routine vaccinations and visits to the vet, professional training and obedience courses, connection with their family as well as other animals, and affectionate play time. Gain insights on how to improve a dog’s wellness by these preventative care measures for pets.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks require certain fundamental aspects of training which are integral to their behavioral and physical wellness. Understanding pack hierarchy is one of the most important elements of the Rhodesian’s mentality. Because of this, the two most important rules for a trainer or handler of a Rhodesian Ridgeback to remember are: to stay consistent in rules and boundaries, and operate as the authority figure. When a Ridgey believes he is higher in the pecking order than the human, he will be unresponsive, may only perform obedience tricks when he wants a treat, or may act out in disobedient or unruly behaviors. In order to have a well-trained dog, the owner must be consistent in rule-giving and learn to respect the superiority of the handler.
These are a few of the standard behaviors that need to be corrected from an early age.
- Chewing
- Digging
- Mouthing (softly gnawing on human hands or feet).
- Chasing or corning people.
- Jumping
- Stealing food
- Urinating indoors
- Disinterestedness and disobedience
The primary aspect of training to focus on, is that of obedience training . A disobedient Ridgeback is concerning, for if the creature does not respect their owner enough to obey commands, it means all kinds of problems will surface. Understand that these dogs are motivated by a hierarchy and pecking-order, and are also by food. Using these two primary motivations will help handlers get the best behavior from their Ridgey.
When working on commands in obedience training, Rhodesians should be ruled with a consistent, iron fist. There must be set boundaries around the work time, practicing only 15-20 minutes daily. Reward obedience with treats, pats on the head (and vary these so the pup won’t know which to expect), and ignore or discipline any disobedience or sign of rebellion. Even though the Rhodesian Ridgeback is large and intimidating, the leader must never fail to act as the authoritative figure. Any wavering or “caving” on discipline our holding boundaries, will be noticed by the Ridgey, and he will begin to regard the owner as weak and passive.
When using food as a motivational tool in training, one method which seems effective is called the “No Free Lunch Dogs” tactic. This helps dogs learn that they are subservient to humans, and that good behavior must precede rewards. It is a simple exchange of patient obedience, which is then positively reinforced. More details about this method can be found here.
Looking for further help?
For more insights on how to get the best behavior out of your dog, review these below articles about training techniques, tools and applicable instructions.
- Learn to train your dog to heel so that he will be both manageable on long walks, and so he won’t go bolting through the front door when it is left ajar.
- Solidify those potty-training habits!
- Teach the dog how to bring you a beverage from the fridge.
- Practice the right pet training terminology when talking to behaviorists and professional trainers. (Since Rhodesians are responsive to consistency, see to it that all members of your family use the same signals, words and incentives, so that the dog will obey and respond equally. For example, if your 10 year old is prone to giving the pup treats before they obey, or even more treats than you normally do, this will create a tendency to disregard you in favor of the child.)
- Learn the right way to clicker-train your dog.
- Review the optional pet training methods you can practice with your dog, to see which tactics prove most effective.
- If you are curious about training your Rhodesian to acquire a certain skill, talk to your trainer (we recommend working with a professional at least initially in the course of your pet training) to see if your dog’s personality and response are promising. He may be able to learn special skills & service dog abilities which could prove very useful. This calling is not for every breed, so first confirm with a professional to see what they think about your pet’s potential in this arena.
- Note: For further insights into the multifaceted aspects of training a Rhodesian Ridgeback, we recommend the book “Rhodesian Ridgeback Savvy” by Victoria Sharp.
Dog Shows and Competitions
In order to be considered show-worthy, a Rhodesian Ridgeback must possess the standard physical attributes and stipulations described in the anatomy section. One of the primary disqualifications a Ridgey might face, is if were without a ridge on his back. This is an immediate disqualification, and a dog may even be disabled from competing if he has one or more of these serious flaws: if there is only one crown on the ridge, or more than two.
NOTE: Unfortunately, there are some breeders who euthanize dogs that are born without a proper ridge on their backs. Their aim is to disable this undesirable trait from being passed down, but euthanizing these dogs is completely unnecessary. It would be better to have them spayed and neutered rather than destroyed for a superficial physical defect.
The ideal Rhodesian Ridgeback would have an elegant and powerful build that is neither too stocky nor too large. The dog should be agile, light on his feet, quick-witted, and showing an alert responses to commands. Show dogs should stand upright, with tight, lean muscles, and should be between 25-27 inches tall (male) and 24-26 inches tall (for the female). Rhodesian Ridgebacks weighing more than 85 lbs (male) or 70 lbs (female) are not typically breed standard, but would be considered based on height and bone structure/density. The dog’s general balance and overall symmetry are the most important physical factors in breed competitions.
Events In Which Rhodesian Ridgebacks Compete
Obedience : This emphasizes a dog’s ability to quickly obey their handler’s command.
Rally: A rally event involves a handler and the dog walking through a course of obstacles and written instructions, which they then both follow. There are three levels of the competition: novice, advanced and excellent. The novice competition enlists dogs that are kept on a leash, while practicing some of the low-level tasks labeled “N.” The advanced division allows the dog to complete any of the novice tasks, while also requiring commands labeled “A” for advanced. Advanced show dogs must do the rally competition off-leash, and will be required to do one jump. The excellent canine competitors have to complete additional difficult tasks, including two jumps, and one series where they have to sit still and watch another dog progress through the course, all while off-leash.
Lure: Lure courses mimic an actually tracking and hunting excursion wherein the competing dogs follow a plastic bag pulled across a complex course, as if they were trying to catch escaping prey. These field competitions have proven very successful for Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
Agility: In agility courses, the dog and his handler must complete an obstacle course of jumps, walks, tunnels and see-saws with efficiency and dexterity.
NOTE: When available, the dogs can also compete in Canine Good Citizen Competitions, Field, Tracking Dog, Best in Show, Best of Breed, and Best of the Opposite Sex, etc.
Dog Shows for Rhodesian Ridgebacks
National Specialty Show: This is open to any qualifying Rhodesian Ridgeback from the United States and Canada to compete in. (Similar events within the show include “Best Ridge” and an AKC Canine Good Citizenship Test and triathlon, all for championship points.)
Regional Specialty Shows: These are usually held for club members of the following regions: Arizona, California –Bay Area & San Diego, Chesapeake Bay, Colorado, New England, Valley Forge, Western New York, Florida –Sunshine State (All Areas), and Trinity Valley of Texas Rhodesian Ridgeback club.
The American Kennel Club also holds a variety of competitions such as: Lure Coursing, Hunting Skills, 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competitions. The Westminster Kennel Club National Dog Show hosted every year in New York City considers Rhodesian Ridgebacks in the “hound” division, and though the Rhodesian Ridgebacks have never been title holders for the “Best in Show” category, one Rhodesian did win the best in the Hound Category. All winners of the “Best of Breed” competition are recorded on the official website.
Additionally, the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States keeps a list of resources about dog shows, competitions, and regional breed clubs. They also offer records of the past “Best in Show” winners of the breed at the regional competitions.
Global Recognition
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is still considered a relatively uncommon breed; this is partially because they require plenty of space, exercise, strong leadership and training. However, Rhodesian Ridgebacks rank as the 38th most popular canine breed in America. (It is impressive to be in the top 50 breeds, since there are nearly 200 kinds of domestic dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club!) Though there is not an abundance of information on the breed’s statistics across the globe, we do know there are breeding clubs across the North America, Europe, South and Central America, and Africa. In Asian countries the Thai Ridgeback (silver-colored) and the Phu Quoc Ridgebacks (black-colored) have similar coats and ridges to those of the Rhodesian variety. However these are not as widely recognizable as the as the African-bred Rhodesian Ridgeback.
In certain countries, some dog breeds are entirely prohibited if the dogs are believed to pose a threat. Rhodesian Ridgebacks, though not legally excluded from any countries, are nationally ranked as a “dangerous dogs” in both Ireland and Ukraine. In these countries, microchipping, civil liability insurance, and muzzling when in a public place are required. In Ireland, Rhodesians must be owned by an individual of 16 years or older, and cannot be walked for more than 2 metres in one outing.
While they may be less welcome in some European countries, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are celebrated pets in others. Many South Americans rely on the guard-dog abilities of their Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and several celebrities would be lost without their adorable Ridgies. Some of the “beautiful people” who own or have owned Rhodesian Ridgebacks are Patrick Swayze, Oliver Martinez and Kylie Minogue, Prince Rainer and Grace Kelly of Monaco, and classic Hollywood charmer Errol Flynn.
Though they have yet to climb to fame through literature, comics, TV shows and films like other dog breeds have done, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are stunning creatures, with the loyalty and skills to become outstanding in the world of canine pedigree.
http://www.nofreelunchdogs.com/examples.html#examples –“No Free Lunch Dogs” Training Method