When it comes to domestic cats, most people don’t think of size. It is assumed that all cats are similarly sized, with maybe a bit of variation; however, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. We’ll take a look at five of the largest cat breeds from around the world.

Savannah: The Savannah cat is a hybrid breed of cat, resulting from the mixing of a domestic cat breed and a serval. The serval is a wild cat which is native to Africa, has a slender build, and is a nocturnal hunter. The Savannah cat gets is slender built and exotic coat from the serval half. Early-generation Savannahs retain more of the size, and coat color of their serval half, but those features diminish in subsequent generations. They are very similar to dogs when it comes to loyalty, and will follow their owner around as a dog would. Furthermore, they are trainable to the extent where they will allow to be walked on a leash, and even play fetch. As mentioned earlier, early-generations will have a larger size and can weigh between 8 to 20 pounds, with heights in males sometimes approaching that of their wild lineage of around 21 inches.

Ragamuffin: A cat with a heavy (yet soft) coat, and muscular body, the Ragamuffin can weigh between 10 to 20 pounds, with the males being on the heavier end of the scale. Similar to its close cousin, the Ragdoll, Ragamuffins are very personable, and love spending time with their owner, and are even welcoming to visitors and strangers. Due to their docile nature, it is highly recommended that they be kept as an indoor cat.

Ragdoll: The blue-eyed Ragdoll is an American cat breed developed in the 1960s. It is a very calm and docile breed, and is very affectionate towards both family members and visitors. The Ragdoll weighs between 8 to 20 pounds with the males being the larger of the sexes. Though their eyes are exclusively blue, their coat comes in six different colors: red, seal, blue, lilac, cream, and chocolate (with varying shades).

Maine Coon: Also known as the American Longhair or Snowshoe Cat, the Maine Coon is a very popular breed in the United States, and can weigh between 8 to 18 pounds, and reach a height of 16 inches, with a length of up to 48 inches (including the tail). Another muscular breed, the longhaired Maine Coon is a docile breed, and are famous for letting their bodies go limp whenever they are held in the lap. Despite their calm nature, they are an active breed, and can pick up tricks and are somewhat trainable.

Norwegian Forest Cat: A gentle giant, the Norwegian Forest Cat can weigh between 13 and 22 pounds, but take a while to reach their full size, and mature (and are fully grown) around the age of five years old. The Norwegian Forest Cat (also known as Wegie) is friendly and docile with family, but can be a bit standoffish with strangers. Despite its large size the Wegie is an athletic breed with a muscular body, and even has a waterproof coat.