Dog Food Recall: Boulder Dog Food Company

As of July 2nd, the Boulder Dog Food Co. of Boulder Colorado has announced a recall of its dog food product called Turkey Sprinkles Food Enhancer. The recall applies only to the 3-ounce bags of the food enhancer, with the “Best By” dates of 05/28/2016 located on the back of the package.

Salmonella contamination puts both humans and animals at risk of severe health effects. Those most highly susceptible are young children, the elderly, pregnant women, or people with weak immune systems. Take caution by disinfecting hands, and anything else that came in contact with the product.

Symptoms of salmonella bacteria include: fever, muscle and abdominal cramping, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, decrease of appetite, abdominal pain, and can incur other serious results such as arthritis, and urinary tract symptoms. For more information, refer to the official U.S. Food and Drug Administration press release.