Feline Foul Play : The Most Common Cat Injuries

cat being examined by vet

Felines in general are subdued creatures.  They don’t walk, they tread. They don’t lollop, they glide; all their motions express serene agility and grace. It is hard to imagine that cats would have anywhere near the same likelihood for injuries as their lumbering and enthusiastic canine counterparts.  While dogs might take the lead when it comes to frequency of vet visits and serious injuries, cats also get into their fair share of trouble. Here are some of the most common injuries that felines suffer from.

Torn Nails:  Ladies, you aren’t the only one who suffer when a nail gets broken. One reasons why cats are often ushered to the pet hospital is to treat torn claws. A cat might tear his claw while it is extended in play, while climbing, scratched, stretching, running or defending himself. They sadly can easily get caught, and will bleed and cause the pet pain until it is able to be treated.

Animal Bites: Ever heard of the term “cat fight?” Make no mistake, for all their apparent ease and grace, cats can get into some raucous battles with other feline folk.  In mating season, while out at night, or when around other animals, cats can suddenly become a rolling ball of fur, scratching, hissing, and yowling whenever they are defending their territory or looking for a mate.   Because of the wounds that bites can cause, and the diseases that can be passed from another cat’s saliva or blood, we strongly recommend keeping pet cats safely indoors.

Eye Trauma:  Cats also are taken to the vet most often to treat eye injuries. Whether this occurs from a cat fight, getting scratched by a stray, chased by a dog, or simply because of the cat’s own exploration through bushes with pokey branches or thorns. Trying to make a quick getaway, or when attempting to hide suddenly, a cat might lurch forward, causing his eye to be scratched or torn. If the cat rubs his eyes with his paws, is blinking repeatedly, or his eyes are watering or bleeding, it might be time to take him to the vet for analysis. 

Puncture wounds:  Sharp objects wreak all kinds of havoc on pets, and are one of the most common sources of injuries. A cat might suffer a puncture wound if he is chewing on something with a pointed tip, if it climbs or jumps and accidently slips on a piece of furniture, a household item, or a tree branch.

Stings and Bites:  In spite of their thick fur coats, cats are still susceptible to insect bites and stings, particularly if they spend a few hours outside regularly.  Bugs may be more likely to bite in certain seasons and humid regions of America, but cat owners everywhere should be aware that cats can suffer bee-stings, wasp attacks, bug bites, tick bites and the like.