Nuts & Dogs: Are They a Good Mix?

Mix nuts on wooden table

It is unlikely that our beloved pooches will not be sitting next to us and staring lovingly with their puppy-dog eyes whenever we are munching on something. And, of course, we would like to be able to oblige, but sometimes the food we eat can be a health hazard to our beloved dogs. Not all nuts are bad, but there are certainly some that can be a health threat do dogs.


Even though almonds will not harm your dog’s health directly, there are some side effects which can stem from feeding them to your dog. Raw, or just roasted almonds are the least problematic since they aren’t salted, and will not result in water retention which can be a problem in older dogs. And their high fat content means that if they become a staple in their diet, then they can potentially cause gastric problems, or must make your pooch plump.


Raw or roasted (shelled), but unsalted peanuts are safe for dogs, as is peanut butter, but due to their high fat content they can also become problematic if fed too much. One or two peanuts shared with your pooch whenever you are enjoying a handful is ok, but don’t go overboard and add a scoop to their daily food intake.


Due to potential mold infestation, walnuts are best avoided when it comes to treats for your dog. Ingesting such mold can result in seizures or other neurological problems. They themselves aren’t inherently toxic to dogs, but it is highly advisable to keep them out of your dog’s diet.


Cashews are a favorite in many households, and for good reason—they are tasty! Cashews have no negative health effects on dogs, as long as they are unsalted and given in moderation (a few cashews once in a while). They rich in minerals and protein, and can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet as an occasional snack.


Like other nuts, though they are not directly toxic do dogs, their high fat content can cause health issues if they become a regular treat. If you do give your dog pistachios as a treat, make sure you only do so occasionally, and use the shelled, and unsalted variety.