Pet Owner’s First Aid Kit

Jack Russel Terrier lying down with cone on head

Animals are prone to accidents and mistakes which often put them in harm’s way, resulting in scrapes, bruises, infections and sick tummies. Whether you are taking a vacation up to the mountains, or simply want to be ready for any disaster, many pet parents find peace of mind by having a pet-centric First Aid Kit handy. Acquiring the below items on the supplies list, and storing it all together in a safe place, will save you time scrounging around for the necessary objects when efficiency is vital. The next time your dog tears his dew claw or your cat has a seizure, you don’t want to be digging through drawers looking for the gauze or antibacterial ointment. One of the best ways to be a responsible pet-parents is to be prepared for the unexpected, and this you can do by assembling all the indispensable items below.

First Aid Supplies

  • gauze bandage and tape
  • swabs
  • antibiotic powder
  • antiseptic wash
  • antibiotic ointment
  • antibacterial wipes
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%
  • lubricating jelly
  • rectal thermometer
  • scissors and forceps
  • saline solution
  • antihistamine
  • eye dropper
  • cotton balls
  • nail clippers
  • tweezers
  • rubber gloves
  • Q-tips
  • hot pack/cold pack
  • regular comb and flea comb
  • screwdrivers
  • flashlight
  • leash
  • muzzle
  • paper towels

Additional items

  • Charcoal powder (for ingested poison absorption)
  • Milk of magnesia (to neutralize ingested poison)
  • Vet wrap (which will stick to itself, without harming animal fur)
  • Epsom Salts (for soothing and cleansing baths)

Phone Contact List

  • Animal Poison Control Centers
    • Pet Poison Helpline (855) 764-7661 (for a $49 fee per incident)
    • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435 (for a $65 fee per incident)
    • National Animal Poison Control Center (800) 548-2423.
  • Your personal veterinarian
  • Emergency Vet Clinic: This you can locate by searching your local clinics by state and zip code at .

Information Details on Hand

Be prepared to provide the Emergency Vet or Poison Control Advisor the following information to help them give you the best advice per your specific situation. When any disaster arises, begin by assessing the situation. Do not jump to any conclusions, but make sure you have observed the surroundings and noted everything that may have been involved in the scenario. The more information you have, the better your vet or advisor will be able to find a solution. Remember that they may be privy to facts you are not, so help them determine what to do, by giving them the below details:

  • The pet’s breed, age, gender, weight, and the pet food brand that you typically give them (in case there have been any recent product recalls you may be unaware of).
  • Symptoms (this can include all physical and emotional signs that are out of the ordinary).
  • If the pet is ill due to poison or toxins, know the product/brand, the amount of substance they were exposed to, and the time frame in which it happened.

Hopefully you will never need to use your First Aid Kit, but in case you do, keep it up to date and stay prepared!