Category: Care & Safety

  • cat being examined by vet

    Feline Foul Play : The Most Common Cat Injuries

    Felines in general are subdued creatures.  They don’t walk, they tread. They don’t lollop, they glide; all their motions express serene agility and grace. It is hard to imagine that cats would have anywhere near the same likelihood for injuries as their lumbering and enthusiastic canine counterparts.  While dogs might take the lead when it…

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  • dog running with a stick in its mouth

    Are Sticks Dangerous For Dogs?

    Rawhide, bones, sticks, and rubber balls –all these are typical items you might find a dog happily chomping away on.  We play fetch with Frisbees, tennis balls and sticks without giving too much thought to the idea that the item of choice might be dangerous for a pup. Many of these popular chew toys actually…

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  • hiking with dog

    What To Watch Out For When Exercising Your Dog

    Besides playing with their owner, going for a walk is often the highlight of a dog’s day!  There is nothing like a jaunt in the sunshine, or playing fetch at the park to make a dog feel happy and satisfied.  But in spite of all the good times, there are plenty of hazards that accompany…

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  • dog with bone sitting in the yard

    5 Dental Products To Reconsider Giving Your Dog

    In the world of pet care, not all products are created equal. Just because a package insists it is “good for teeth ”or is a “dental chew” does not mean you should hand it over to your eager pup.  They are trusting you to provide good things for them, and have no idea of the…

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  • kitten sleeping (resting head) in owner's palm

    First Steps of Kitten Care

    Once you have brought your little fur-ball home, and have set up his toys, bed, litter box, food and water bowls and placed an ID collar around his neck, it might seem like all your work is done.  Pet parenthood means getting to enjoy an animal’s company by playing with them, and providing the important…

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  • puppy eating dinner with owner at the table

    Safety Tips For Feeding Dogs Human Food

    Sneaking a dog scraps from the dinner plate is a practice humans have done for years. Why? Because dogs are eager eaters!  Their expressions are so charming, and they genuinely seem interested in anything that smells aromatic from the table, the kitchen counter, or from the pantry.   Dogs know they are hard to resist, and…

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  • What To Do When Your Pet Gets a Fracture

    Dogs and cats are curious creatures who have a tendency to get into binds and scrapes when they are allowed to explore freely.  Sometimes a pet will slip unexpectedly on a wet surface, or may get caught between objects without realizing it, and pull away quickly, accidentally damaging the ligaments and bones of a certain…

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  • dog with Easter eggs

    Easter Dangers for Pets

    Easter is a wonderful celebration of family, friends and new life in the season of Spring. With brightly colored eggs, candies, overflowing Easter baskets, bunny-shaped cakes, and a wide variety of delicious goodies, this holiday is an exciting time for all! All people, that is. Dogs and cats actually can be easily disregarded in all…

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  • dog eating chocolate on kitchen counter

    The Dark Side of Chocolate

    Any dog lover knows that the delicious milky goodness that humans adore so much is actually poisonous for dogs. It hardly seems fair that our darling little canine pals would be deprived of so delicious a treat.  So what makes chocolate dangerous for dogs?  Here is an at-a-glance look at the darker side of chocolate…

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  • Protecting Your Pet from Rabies

    The rabies virus is a small threat to domestic pets in this modern era, however the disease still exist amongst wild animals. While few pets are likely to contract rabies with the proper care and necessary precautions, it is better to be safe rather than sorry. Here are some helpful tips about how you can…

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