Category: Care & Safety

  • Rabies: What You Need To Know

    For any pet-owner who has seen the classic film “Old Yeller” the fear of rabies can seem very real. Watching how quickly one bite from a wild animal can derange and ruin the life of another is deeply sobering. Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system, and spreads from the saliva…

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  • Catnip Mishaps: Is Catnip Right For Your Feline?

    Catnip is considered by many to work like magic with cats. When it comes to training a cat, helping him relax before a car ride, become accustomed to a new home, or be drawn to new bed or litter box. It is generally regarded as a fantastic tool that works well for all cats and…

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  • dog waiting on train platform

    Travel Safety Tips for Dogs

    Riding in the car with your dog is a necessary occurrence at some point for all dog owners. Visiting the vet, driving to the beach, or dropping the pup at a training course all involve some kind of travel. Whether you are planning to travel via plane, train or automobile, going anywhere with a pet…

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  • What To Do If Your Dog Bites You

    It is easy for dog owners to regard their beloved dog as a valued member of the family. Because of this, it can be disconcerting when a dog acts out, or displays uncharacteristically aggressive behaviors. When a pet dog bites someone, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that it means you must get rid of…

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  • puppy biting pant leg

    What To Do If Your Dog Bites Someone

    Most pet owners assume their dogs are darling little angels that wouldn’t hurt a fly, and for the majority of canine companions that may be true. If the dog were to snap at someone, many would assume the aggression would be exercised in defending their owner, or if the pet was suddenly approached, startled or…

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  • Recognizing Animal Abuse

    You’ve passed your neighbor and his German Shorthair Pointer a few times around the block, and something just doesn’t feel right.  Maybe the person takes a very rough hand with the pup, or maybe there is even physical evidence of negligence in health care, or fear and anxiety in the pet. Unfortunately, animal abuse is…

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  • dog on vet table after procedure

    6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Pet Insurance

    The majority of pet owners do not have any kind of coverage for their cat or dog. If there is ever a health problem or a concern, they usually go to the vet and pay out of pocket for any treatments of medications their pet may require. This is the case because having insurance for…

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  • Cautions About Retractable Leashes

    When it comes to taking your dog for his daily walk to the park, most of us do not spend a lot of time thinking about the leash. Once we decide what kind of leash to take home with our pup early on in the pet adoption process, it is rarely a subject we revisit…

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  • Types of Muzzles

    Now that we have a clearer understanding of how muzzles can be used to benefit society, the dog owner, and the pup himself, let us observe what types of muzzles exist, and how they differ from each other. Basket muzzles:  The basket muzzle can be made of plastic, metal or leather.  They are a stronger…

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  • girl putting muzzle on dog

    Dog Muzzles

    The word “muzzle” has a bad connotation because of how some pet owners have misused them in the past.  However, when applied by responsible and caring individuals the muzzle is a helpful tool used to work with dogs, as well as protect them from any accidents or mishaps they could be liable for.  Here are…

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