Category: Care & Safety

  • Types of Dog Beds

    Many dog owners agree that if given the choice, their pup’s preferred napping surface would be their human’s king sized bed. Comrades to the core, canines love to be closest to the people they love, where all the pillows and blankets smell like their master. Though plenty of people don’t mind sharing the comforter with…

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  • Why You Should Microchip Your Pet

    We agree that microchipping is a difficult concept to accept for pet parents who detest causing their animals the slightest discomfort. It is not an ideal scenario to implant a device under any creature’s skin. However difficult adding a microchip might seem at first blush, the reasons why it benefits a pet far outweigh any…

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  • Pet Microchips

    Terms like “microchip” have a tendency to scare people off, as they sound invasive and intrusively reminiscent of George Orwell’s famous novel 1984. However negative the word’s connotations might be, the use of implanting microchips in pets, has actually revolutionized the way that people are able to track missing animals or to identify outplaced pets…

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  • 5 Reasons to Keep Your Cat Indoors

    We love a good adage about cats; especially the old classic that warns pet-owners about what happens to overly curious kitties. Felines tends to be mischievous explorers that want to discover the world around them. While this reflects the vibrancy of their complex little brains, it is also a habit that can get them into…

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  • 5 Reasons to Keep Your Dog Indoors

    Indoor pets aren’t for everyone. Some people simply don’t have the living space to accommodate a rowdy pup or a whiny cat inside when they are longing to romp in the backyard. Though many people view dogs as family members, others see them as hunting buddies, rat-catchers, or simply functional parts of the household. Pet…

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  • Summertime Hazards for Pets

    The increase of sunshine and length of days in summertime means that people spend more time outdoors than in any other season. Though the climate varies depending on the location, responsible pet parents everywhere must re-adjust their routines when seasons change in order to protect their pet. As the majority of cat and dog breeds…

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  • Dos and Don’ts of Feeding Your Pet Table Scraps

      Every pet owner has at some point fed their fur-baby scraps from the table. No matter how strong our resolve might by to keep our pet from begging, eventually those large pleading eyes just become too persuasive. Fortunately, most scraps we slip our animals tend to be things we know may be palatable to…

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  • Water – A Summertime Threat to Pets

    For coastal dwellers, a daily stroll along the beach wouldn’t raise any concern about a dog’s welfare. Experiences such as fetching a Frisbee, or jumping into the deep end of a pool with our pup generally aren’t frightening enough to give us a second thought. However, while going to the beach or swimming in a…

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  • Life Jackets for Pets

    Like jackets for pets might sound a bit excessive to skeptical pet owners. Most people assume dogs can swim perfectly fine, and that cats aren’t a concern since they all hate water. News flash: Not all dogs like water or can swim; and not all cats hate water! For dog breeds like Bulldogs and Basset…

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  • Pool Rules for Pups

    Swimming can provide an excellent relief from the scourging sun rays of summer. Though we recommend pulling out the kiddie pool so you and your pup can beat the heat, large pools can be dangerous for dogs. While retriever breeds (like Labradors and Poodles) thrive in the water, for others, it can be life-threatening. Depending…

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