Category: Health

  • The Most Common Cat Health Issues: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

    Cats are beloved pets and companions, known for their independent and curious nature. Just like any other animal, cats can face various health issues throughout their lives. As a responsible cat owner, it’s crucial to be aware of the most common cat health problems to ensure early detection and treatment. In this article, we’ll explore…

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  • The Most Common Dog Health Issues: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

    Dogs are not only loyal companions but also a source of joy for many pet owners. However, just like humans, they are susceptible to various health issues. It’s essential for pet owners to be aware of the most common dog health problems, as early detection and intervention can significantly improve a dog’s quality of life.…

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  • Signs that Your Dog Might Be Depressed

    Depression in people is a topic often discussed, and for good reason, as it can be a crippling condition for even the strongest of personalities. Unfortunately, the condition is not only limited to human beings, and animals can suffer from depression. Dog owners, generally, take great care of their pets, providing them with the best…

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  • Dog Vitamins & Supplements

    We love taking shortcuts, and vitamins and supplements are one such way we, as humans, go about your business of living a healthy life. Instead of eating a proper diet, we just stack our shelves with vitamins and supplements. We have the same approach when it comes to taking care of our animal companions. But…

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  • dog with tongue hanging out

    What is Hanging Tongue Syndrome?

    Hanging tongue syndrome, as the name suggests, is when a dog is unable to prevent its tongue from hanging out of its mouth at all times. A dog with its tongue handing out all the time may look cute, but it can be a sign of other serious health conditions. Hanging tongue syndrome is caused…

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  • What Is Fly Snapping Syndrome?

    We have all seen our dogs snap at flies as they buzz around in the house or while outside; however, there is a similar behavior that some dogs display even in the absence of flies or any flying insects—they appear to be snapping or biting at imaginary flies. This behavior is not consistent, but often…

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  • dog getting its teeth brushed

    The Importance of Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth

    Keeping your dog healthy, like keeping yourself healthy, is important for a happy life, and there are a variety of details that need to be taken care of in order to keep the entire body healthy and happy. Once of these areas that needs particular interest is the mouth, and teeth. Dog’s use their mouths…

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  • Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

    Cushing’s Disease, or hypercortisolism, in dogs is the result of a non-cancerous pituitary tumor which causes excessive production of cortisol (a stress hormone). The Symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome The condition usually effects middle-aged or older dogs; however, it has been known to occur in young adults as well. There are certain symptoms which might indicate…

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  • cat nursing kittens

    Nutritional Needs of Cats

    As obligate carnivores, cats derive most of their protein (and consequently calories) from meat, fish, and other animal products. These dietary proteins provide all important amino acids which the cat body cannot produce independently. Deficiencies in any of these amino acids can lead to life-threatening health problems. It is important to note that vegetarian diets…

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  • three dogs eating food on balcony

    Nutritional Needs of Dogs

    Depending on the age and life stage of a dog, it will need different amounts of nutrients, especially crude proteins and fats. The amount of energy a dog needs depends on four major areas of caloric consumption: time of growth, the period during which they are pregnant, and lactating, as well as their daily level…

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