Category: History & Society

  • Myths About Black Cats

    In some cultures black cats are regarded as sleek goddess-like beauties, while others have long feared dark cats as evil underworld beings. In literature, film, television, and fine art black cats have been depicted as mysterious and foreboding creatures, and historically the animals were even persecuted and tormented for fear of being demonic. This time…

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  • Potbellied Pig

    15 Celebrities With Strange Pets

    We suppose the most popular pets (such as a cat or a dog) might just seem too average for some celebrities. Eccentric artists have been known for keeping exotic pets, and these famed names are no different. Find out what kinds of animals the beautiful people are looking after these days: 15 Strange Celebrity Pets…

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  • Black Pet Problems

    Are all pets created equal? Apparently not. Rescue home workers, shelter employees, groomers and veterinarians have observed a serious decline in the desirability of black-coated animals. Whatever the reason for this current decline in popularity for black-colored pets, we must first acknowledge that neither history nor art have reflected positively about black-colored animals. In centuries…

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  • Scientific Proof That Dogs Make Humans Happy

    Dogs make people happy. There is nothing revolutionary about that statement, but nothing validates a feeling like scientific studies to back it up. Check out some of these amazing ways people have proved that owning a puppy psychologically and physiologically makes us happier humans. Proof That Dogs Really DO Increase Happiness Eye contact. There may…

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  • Famous Celebrity Pets

    Celebrities have been known to own some pretty strange pets! A kangaroo once belonged to the King of Rock ‘n Roll  (that’s Elvis, for those of you who are out of touch with EVERYTHING that is American), Michael Jackson was adventurous enough to own a chimp named Bubbles (chimps are notoriously vicious –seriously, you might…

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  • 5 Ways Owning a Cat Makes You Happier and Healthier

    Cats are a strange combination of the utmost composure, and sporadic insanity. Their routines, daily habits, and personalities have ever caused these pampered pets to be some of the most highly favored animals in the world. Even the most devoted dog fans can’t deny the amazing benefits below that owning a cat has on a…

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  • Illegal Pet Trade in Europe

    Some of the greatest tragedies in the world occur in human trafficking and animal poaching. With such horrible crimes occurring on a daily basis, it is no stretch of the imagination to accept that the same is also happening to dogs and cats across the globe. Thanks to a charity called Dogs Trust, there have…

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  • Animal Poaching

    [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.26.1″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″] In a perfect world, “poaching” would only refer to a way to cook an egg. However, on a planet filled with beautiful animals, there is unfortunately a different meaning, since people…

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  • How Cat-Crazy Are You?

    We love cats. Living with a collection of kitties is not something we consider scorn-worthy, but rather something to aspire to! Though not everyone is a self-described cat-person (let’s face it, some people just prefer dogs) but there are those of us who really, I mean REALLY love our feline friends. If you can’t imagine…

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  • Stereotypes About Dog-People and Cat-People

    There is a difference between making observations about people, and negatively stereotyping them. Society is forever attempting to understand and label people based on their habits, life choices, preferences and activities. As absurd as it is to pigeon-hole individuals based on some surface-level aspects, it does occur. While there might be studies proving them certain…

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