Category: History & Society

  • How to Tell If You Are a Dog Person

    People are often drawn to pets, people, and environments that reflect themselves. This logic would imply that people who prefer one kind of pet over another might share specific traits as their animal of choice. Though humans are far more complex than terms such as “introvert” and “extrovert” suggest, tests and studies show than the…

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  • How to Tell If You Are a Cat Person

    Most people immediately know where they stand with pet preferences. Some folks are devoted dog-lovers, while others wouldn’t think of owning anything other than a cat. Then there are those people that would happily house anything with (or without) fur!  But if you fall in neither category, and are undecided about your own preference, can’t…

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  • Myths About Adopting Pets

    In recent years, adopting pets from rescue homes and animal shelters has greatly increased in popularity.  Awareness about the cruelty and negligence towards pets in puppy mills and the elitism and expense of buying animals from breeders has caused adoption to be viewed as a preferable alternative. However, among many prospective pet parents, there remain…

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  • The Best Films About Dogs

    Dogs are not only considered man’s best friend, but they also make incredibly compelling film heroes! From the loyal comradery seen in Old Yeller, to the determination and courage of Lassie, people have been falling in love with dog movies for decades. Next time you and your family deliberate about which film to pick for…

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  • Portrait of husky dog with kissing couple behind

    How Caring for Pets Can Improve Your Love Life

    Most people agree that an individual is instantly more approachable if they have a pet with them. Puppies attract attention, and a fluffy cat on a leash certainly provides an abundance of ice breaking introductions. But when we insist that owning a pet can improve someone’s love life, we aren’t just talking about those single…

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  • What Couples Can Learn from Dogs

    No one wants to be compared to a dog, treated like a dog, or referred to as the female term for one; however, all too often, people forget what is important, and nag or complain about petty things. And though we would never presume equate human relationships to pet ownership, we think the love and…

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  • Fennec Fox

    Exotic Pets

    Most little kids dream of having a pet monkey, dolphin or tiger to call their own. Though having one such exotic pet might seem far-fetched or even laughable, there are many animals that are legally allowed to be owned as pets. The term “exotic pet” loosely defined refers to an animal that may not be…

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  • Heroic Dogs to Remember

    During the American Revolution, George Washington’s troops experienced a crushing defeat at the hands of British General Howe in Germantown in 1777. After the battle General Howe’s pet dog was found frightened on the bloodied battlefield. Having a great love of dogs, our first President refused to kill the dog or seek retribution, instead Washington…

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  • Adorable Down-and-Outers: Why the World is Obsessed with Grumpy Pets

    A photo posted by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat) on Feb 25, 2015 at 7:40pm PST A photo posted by Earl (@earlthegrumpypuppy) on Jul 5, 2015 at 2:12pm PDT Since 2012, audiences around the globe have chuckled over the notoriously cantankerous cat named Tardar Sauce, who has been affectionately rename “Grumpy Cat.” The feline’s characteristic raccoon-eyes and…

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  • Cecil the Lion – A Short Biography

    Last month, a great tragedy occurred in the animal kingdom, when a notable African lion was killed by a foreign big-game hunter. The news that a Southwest African lion named Cecil was murdered by a paid game hunter created a great outrage across the world. Though hunting game in Africa with guns is indeed allowed…

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