Category: History & Society

  • Funny Books About Cats

    There is never a time of day unsuited for humor. Humans live lives often wrought with relational, financial and professional stress, so it is no wonder that we turn to our pets for entertainment (and sometimes enlightenment). Part of our dedication to providing tips about pet care is to support the humans who provide for…

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  • The Best Films About Cats

    Everybody loves a good movie about animals. Many such films feature a dynamic combination of both cats and dogs, as that tends to be a more universal crowd pleaser. But whether the main characters are cats and dogs, or powerful felines alone, movies about domestic pets entertain and warm our hearts. Here are some of…

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  • Animated Movies About Cats and Dogs

    It’s nearly impossible to grow up in America and NOT have fallen in love with some of these animated films. Whether you were one of the ones singing along to The Lion King, or tearing up over The Fox and The Hound, it is more than likely that one of the films below impacted you…

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  • Must-Reads for Cat Lovers

    From classic stories to farcical comic books and contemporary novels, countless works have been written about cats. Whether you are looking for a heart-warming summer read, or a heart-racing mystery book, glance at our list below for some literary delights that await the world of cat-lovers. The List Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (T.S.…

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  • Pets As Family Members: What is Too Far?

    Dogs are traditionally referred to as “man’s best friend,” and the concept of “crazy cat lady” came from lonely people finding solace in the company of loyal felines. There is no doubt about it that animals warrant a special place in human hearts, but is there ever a time when pet prioritization crosses the line?…

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  • Dalmatian face close up

    Dalmatians: How They Became Fire Station Dogs

    Made famous from the Disney films 101 Dalmatians, the iconic black-spotted dog is a familiar breed to most people in the 21st century. Though Dalmatians were the coveted obsession of fur-seeking villain Cruella DeVille, they are also recognizable as the companion to fire chiefs around the country! Dalmatian Breed history Dalmatian dogs have been a…

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  • Why Cats Are Said to Have 9 Lives: Origin of the Myth

    As long as we can remember, most of us have heard the claim that cats have nine lives. This may have simply been concluded from the many times cats would resurface after seeming to be lost, or hurt in a catastrophe. Cats have inspired both fear and worship into humans for centuries, so it is…

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  • 10 Conversation Starters About Dogs

    Let’s face it, some pet-parents prefer being around dogs more than they enjoy being around people. Going new places and finding yourself surrounded by strangers can be intimidating for those who have more canine friends than humans. However, dogs can be a universally interesting topic to discuss, offering common ground and connections based on similar…

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  • Informative Books About Dogs

    Stories about heroic canines make for exciting novels, but some pet owners prefer constructive reading material. If your goal is to expand your understanding of what goes on in your dog’s brain and what motivates his behavior, the below literature is geared towards responsible and intellectually curious dog-owners. Whether you are seeking helpful training tactics,…

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  • Pros and Cons of Dog and Cat Cafes

    The concept of combining cats and dogs with delicious warm beverages, might sound like a snuggly dream to some people. Others may immediately imagine the pet hair getting in the drinks, the loud meowing or woofing, potential cat fights, urine-smelling floors, and dogs spilling coffee everywhere. It might sound like mayhem! However, with dedicated staff…

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