Category: History & Society

  • Vintage styled photo of Don Sphinx cat reading the book

    Cats May Possess a Primitive Understanding of Physics

    Research from Saho Takagi, and her colleagues at Kyoto University in Japan suggests that cats may have very rudimentary understanding of principles of physics. Further, the research suggests that in an innate way, cats may even have a primitive understanding of gravity. This finding does not jeopardize Newton’s and Einstein’s place in the world of…

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  • Seizure Detection Dogs

    Service animals have been around for some time, but seizure-alert dogs are a more recent development. Dogs started being used for detecting seizure in the mid-nineties. Able to warn those suffering from epilepsy of an approaching attack minutes (and sometimes hours) before they occur, seizure warning dogs can be life savers. Even a few minutes…

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  • How Pet-Parenting Affects People

    Pets give us those “warm fuzzy” feelings.  Those big brown puppy eyes, or tiny little kitty paws just melt our hearts from the moment we lay eyes on our darling fur-babies. Studies have proven a whole host of the positive effects of pet parenting, some of which include how petting a dog or cat releases…

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  • cat lying on bench outside

    Indoor VS Outdoor Living for Cats

    Just 50-60 years ago, most pet parents lived under the assumption that animals are for the outdoors and that the indoors should be for humans alone.  Unless there was a rodent problem, the majority of pets would contentedly live outside, sleeping in a shed, barn, on the porch or in a small pet house.  Now,…

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  • Newborn basenji puppy

    The Psychology Behind Dog Name Trends

    Gone are the days when names like “Fluffy” and “Fido” were the go-to choices for new puppies and kittens. Classic “cutesy” names for pets have ceased to be a common choice as other trends are forming. For some reason now, the popular trends in naming pets have much more to do with the way we…

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  • Funny Dog Memes

    Dogs are just about the most hilarious animals that exist, so it should be no surprise to us that the internet world has documented plenty of their crazy antics. Every social media platform seems to be rife with funny dog memes, GIFS and videos. Since scientific studies tell us that watching pet videos every day…

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  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    The New Russian Spy Dogs

    Look out, criminals!  Russia is training a different kind of police dog to take to the streets.  They have thick wooly coats, long adept ears, and sharp skillful noses.  You guess it, the Russian police force’s new canine support dog breed of choice is….  the Corgi?  The Russian state news reporter RIA Novosti recently release…

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  • Dogs VS Cats: Who Loves Their Humans More?

    Most people are of the opinion that cats are more reserved and dogs more expressive in their affections. While canine companionship certain does seem to involve more slobbery puppy kisses than what cats are willing to give, make no mistake, felines are a devoted and loving species. Here is a fair face off about which…

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  • dog driniking cocktail

    What’s All The Fuss About Gourmet Pet Food?

    Have you noticed that luxury pet food restaurants are suddenly popping up everywhere? Maybe you saw it first on a friend’s Instagram post, read about them online, or passed one on a busy city street. Not only are there starting to be pet-only food trucks, but sit-down fine-dining options are now available for pets and…

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  • Gourmet Pet Restaurants – Are They A Good Idea?

    Humans enjoy gourmet bites like caviar on imported crackers and expensive champagne. Our major cities are filled with restaurants where the most skilled chefs serve the upper class the very finest foods the world has to offer. Over the last decade or so, this common practice has actually begun to shift from humans to making…

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