Category: History & Society

  • puppy sitting in owners lap

    5 Reasons To Take A Road Trip With Your Dog

    People venture out on road trips for different reasons. Some like to see new places, visit historical sites, or just go on an adventure of self-discovery. Whatever the purpose of your upcoming holiday, we think your experience can actually be improved by taking the dog along. Fortunately, many hotels across America (such as the Best…

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  • dog food truck

    Dog Food Trucks

    The latest culinary craze humans have rallied around over the last few years, is the food truck. Meals on wheels have become such a popular phenomenon that many cities have streets where the only food you can purchase for blocks is that of a long line of food trucks parked in succession. If you are…

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  • 7 Pet-Friendly Colleges

    College is just around the corner, and still you can’t bear the thought of a life without animals. Fortunately there are several colleges that are specifically known for being animal-friendly!  Find out which universities are welcoming towards pets (and not just for observation in the science lab!) Wellesley College- Massachusetts If you own a bird,…

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  • English bulldog with white kitten

    Dogs That Like to Protect Cats

    Canines are an undisputed loyal protectors and beloved companions for millions of people around the world. Many dog owners even entrust their pets with the lives of their young children, viewing the dog as more of a nanny than they do a pet. It is a beautiful part of the canine nature to care for…

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  • chicks and eggshells

    Springtime Pets

    Spring is the season of eggs hatching, birds singing, flowers budding, and new life beginning wherever we look. Though we primarily devote our facts to the canine and feline world, we know there are plenty of other pets who deserve sometime in the sun. In the spirit of springtime, here are some of the most…

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  • Presidential Pets

    When it comes to famous inhabitants of the White House, the only animals that ever come to mind are elephants and donkeys, or the two leading political parties. We seldom think of the dogs that have been presidential companions during the term of their world-renowned owners. However, some of these pets have stood out to…

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  • cat on a farm

    Farm Cats

    For centuries cats have worked as beloved farm animals with an important purpose of ridding the barns, homes and feeding stalls of rodents. With large sacks of grain, troughs of hot mash, oats, and corn meal for pets, the warm nooks and crannies of barns could draw quite a following of hungry mice, rats and…

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  • dog sitting on office table

    How Pets Would Benefit The Workplace

    Most pet owners miss their cats or dogs while at work, and look forward to seeing them at the end of a long laborious day. Imagine if your company had a bring-pets-to-work kind of policy.  Would that help improve production or would it be nothing more than a distraction?  We know that scientific studies show…

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  • cat playing with butterfly

    Cats and Butterflies

    Every once in a while it is good to add some whimsy to your life. Scientific research shows that people who spend 20 minutes or more a day watching cat videos online, or looking up kitty pictures and memes, are actually happier people.  Let us infuse a fair dose of happiness in the world, with…

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  • Do City-Wide Biting Breed Bans Work?

    Some dogs breeds can become a menace to society.  Their instincts to defend, protect, chase or hunt sometimes get them into enough trouble that cities and sometimes whole countries will either ban the ownership of such breeds, or significantly restrict their freedoms and mobility.  This is largely due to statistics that show certain breeds have…

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