Category: History & Society

  • basenji dog

    Historical Facts About Dogs

    Canines have been an important part of human society for centuries, acting as family pets, working animals, and key assets for survival.  Find out more facts about these creatures we have grown to adore and rely upon them throughout history. Humans have been keeping dogs as companions and pets for an estimated 12,000 years;  the…

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  • Quasi The Great

    Quasi The Great, was a bit shortchanged when it comes to spinal length. This happy-go-lucky German Shepherd has a condition called short spine syndrome. Quasi was originally taken in by Secondhand Hounds animal shelter. Once he was evaluated, and treated (he had to have an embedded collar removed from his neck, and his “screw tail”…

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  • Prioritizing Pet Care When Life Changes Occur

    Changing circumstances can be upsetting not only to people, but their pets. Animals sense upheaval, intense emotions, and alterations to the ebbs and flow of daily events. With new jobs, moving into a new house, and relationships up in the air, there can be situations that arise which prove particularly challenging to a household. Life…

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  • Elaborate Contraptions for Pets

    Think you’ve seen it all when it comes to pet-entertainment? We doubt it! Here are 5 of the most innovative and elaborate playthings you could get for your dog or cat. While not everyone wants to drop hundreds of dollars on a trendy toy, when there are other more obvious needs an animal would have,…

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  • dog and owner with yoga mat

    Practical or Pretentious: Yoga Classes for Pets

    Mimicking the human practice of yoga has become an increasingly popular for pets. So much so, in fact that it is officially referred to as “doga.” There are books on pet yoga, videos you can watch online, and classes to attend in person. But does any of this really make sense? Does it benefit the…

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  • The Best Hotels For Pet Lovers

    There are many aspects of caring for pets that we often overlook. One is caring for yourself, and making sure you as the pet-owner get what you need in order to be a more loving companion for your pet, and the other is spending quality time with just the two of you. Like all relationships,…

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  • How To Love Cats and Not Be Deemed a “Cat Lady”

    First of all, we do not believe that being a “cat lady” or “cat laddie” is a negative thing. Cats are awesome! But we know some of our readers might not appreciate what that kind of term connotes, so we want to provide some helpful tips about how to be both a concerned, caring and…

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  • Volunteer Opportunities for Pet Lovers

    People who love pets may constantly be looking for opportunities to invest in working with pets. Fortunately, there are plenty of chances to supervise, play with and support animals by volunteering in your community. Basic Requirements In order to be a volunteer at many organizations, there are certain basic requirements expected of all volunteer applicants.…

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  • 8 Key Life Lessons You Can Learn From Cats

    It is not uncommon for a pet owner to look at their seemingly stress-free pet as he lounges on the sofa and think, “Man, you really do live the good life.” Though they may have simpler existences than that of humans, there are still principles that we can gain from observing a cat’s lifestyles and…

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  • Best Awkward Dog Photos

    Lately, “awkward” is the new cool. Being suave, calm and collected all have their places in relational dynamics. But generally life is much more entertaining when things happen by accident, or when funny situations occur, particularly where pets are involved. A minor juxtaposition of dog sizes, surprising facial expressions, a pet that overshot that jump,…

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