Category: Tips & How Tos

  • Why You Should Adopt a Senior Cat

    There are many reasons why adopting a cat is a great way to become a pet-parent. But most people are more enthused about taking home a cuddly kitten than they are an older cat who might have hidden health issues or difficult behavioral tendencies to address. However, health concerns might arise at any age, whether…

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  • What To Do When Your Neighbor’s Dog Won’t Stop Barking

    Living in cities, apartment complexes or in heavily populated areas can feel like co-habiting with many strangers. This is particularly brutal when your peace and quiet is impinged upon by noisy neighbors, or their dogs. So what do you do when you neighbor just bought a new pup, and all “Yippy” wants to do is…

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  • Reasons Why Not To Give A Puppy As A Christmas Gift

    We love dogs, and know that pups bring much love, joy and laughter to our lives. However, it is precisely because of our canine devotion do we think that giving a puppy as a Christmas gift is bad idea. Granted, there are scenarios in which it would be appropriate to gift someone with a new…

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  • How to Prevent and Treat Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac

    When a pup goes running or walking through poison ivy, poison oak, or sumac bushes,  the exposed skin of the under belly and inner legs, brushes by the foliage and plants in his path. Once the oil from sumac leaves or poison ivy and poison oak penetrate the skin, the dog would get infected. Fortunately,…

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  • Jack Russell Terrier puppy

    First Day: Bringing Your Puppy Home

    Finally, the day you have been waiting for has arrived! Your puppy is now 8 weeks old, and ready for you to take him home! By now, your home should be puppy-proofed, with any dangerous items safely removed or stowed away.  Ideally, you’ve picked a peaceful morning over the weekend, so you can have time…

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  • Saving Strays: What To Do When You Find a Stray Pet

    If you ever happen upon what appears to be a stray cat or dog, there are a couple of ways to approach the situation. The first option is to call a local animal rescue group, animal control, dog shelter, or the Human Society and notify them about what kind of dog or cat you have…

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  • What Pet-Fostering Is Not

    We believe fostering pets is one of the best ways to give back to the community and help creatures in need. However, there are many misunderstandings people often have about fostering pets. To provide a better understanding of the commitment, we have listed what fostering a pet is NOT: Fostering is not a way to…

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  • Fever Care: Temperature Assessment and Reduction

    If your dog is not behaving like his usual energetic and charming self, he may be feeling under the weather or fighting an infection. But before jumping to conclusions, remember that canines naturally have higher temperatures than humans do, so just because your pup is panting heavily and seems overheated, does not mean that you…

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  • How to Prepare Your Home For a Foster Pet

    Foster parenthood is a challenging privilege. However, any time someone adds a new pet to the mix, it can be quite an adjustment. In order to ease the transition ahead, here are some helpful tips on preparing your home for the foster pet. Be sure to provide the kind of environment this new pet needs…

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  • Living With a Blind Dog

    Most of us have dogs with perfectly functioning eyes and strong vision. But in some cases, diseases such as kidney failure, retinal degeneration, cataracts and even diabetes can weaken eyesight until the dog loses the ability to see entirely. If this should occur, do not be discouraged or start thinking about re-homing your pet. There…

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