Category: Tips & How Tos

  • How to Select the Best Pet Insurance

    Pet insurance, like traditional health insurance, is used to cover the cost of injuries and illness. There are a variety of companies which offer pet insurance, so it is important to understand what is the most suitable coverage for your needs. There are many coverage types which pet owners can select from, and each of…

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  • Pet Owner’s Guide to Vinegar: 7 Benefits

    Vinegar is more than just a tangy topping for summer salads, there are soothing, healing, and cleaning properties which could be of great benefit to pet owners. Find out some of the best ways to use this common household product when caring for your cat or dog. Dr. Judy Morgan, of the Clayton Veterinary Associates…

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  • Rottweiler nursing puppies

    Pregnant Pet Care 101

    Pregnancy is an exciting season, whether you are a human about to have a child, or if you are a pet owner about to welcome a new litter of puppies or kittens.  But as with any significant change, there are plenty of challenges along the way, and important facts to be aware of while caring…

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  • cat with kittens nursing

    Postpartum Care For Dogs and Cats

    It is an exciting day when you dog or cat was up all night giving birth to her very first litter. After going through something as dramatic and physically demanding as that, it can be hard to know how to support your pet as she recovers. Not only will the puppies or kitties need supervision…

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  • dog with paint on its coat

    How To Remove Paint or Tar From Pet Coats

    Pets love to explore, and poke their noses into our business. Usually, this is perfectly fine, unless the business they are digging into happens to be a fresh canister of paint stored in the garage, or left out after you’ve just touched up the living room. While this is not a common occurrence, the frustration…

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  • What To Do If Your Dog Is Bitten By A Snake

    Playing in the wild has its risks. Whether you are an avid hiker, or you love to explore new places, there are always going to be pitfalls that are dangerous for dogs, whether they are ticks, bug bites, bee-stings, or predators. Though we seldom think of snake bites as a common occurrence in these modern…

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  • The Easiest “Pet Plants” To Keep

    The most popular domestic pets in America are undoubtedly dogs and cats.  But for people who have allergies or limited time to spend with animals, but they having nurturing and caring personalities, there are other alternatives to consider. Though you could choose to get a gecko, pet rabbit or bird that requires less time, we…

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  • Feeding Cats Oral Medication

    (If only it were this easy!) Most cats initially struggle with going to the groomer, being handled by strangers, or experiencing physical examinations at the vet. Being touched, lifted, prodded and preened can be a huge challenge for many felines, particularly if they did not grow up accustomed to that kind of treatment. Because of…

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  • cat drinking water from a glass

    How To Get Your Cat To Drink More Water

    Dehydration is a common problem with felines.  Many cats eat dry kibbles and drink limited amounts of water, possibly because they expel less energy than dogs who generally venture out in the sunshine for their daily walk. This might not seem like a grave concern to some, who might just assume that if a cat…

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  • woman petting dog sitting in autumn leaves

    Petting Tips: The Necessity of Affection

    Dogs thrive best when they receive regular affection from their pet owners. Their tails wag, tongue pant happily whenever you scratch behind the ears, or rub the back of their necks. But is there a right way and a wrong way to pet a pooch?  Here are some tips about the best and worst places…

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