Category: Training & Behavior

  • Pet Training Methods

    Pet owners who have been to training class, or have watched obedience training videos might have heard terms like: catching, shaping and luring. While those might sound like something you do with a cold, a piece of art, and a fishing rod; they are actually useful terms describing methods of how to get the best…

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  • dog training clicker

    How To Clicker Train Your Dog

    Now that we understand what clickers are and how they work, it is important to learn the right way to clicker train dogs. One of the benefits of using a clicker is that it makes the same exact sound with every use.  There is no variation, so it is entirely reliable as a sound association…

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  • puppy being trained using clicker

    What is a Clicker & How do they Work?

      With all the training techniques discussed today, each veterinarian, animal behaviorist or trainer seems to have his or her own preferred method of training. Most pet owners have probably heard the term “clicker training” from other pet parents or friends. A clicker trainer is an audio device that helps canines associate good behaviors with…

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  • english bulldog puppy laying down eating the grass

    Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

    Of the strangest things dogs do, eating grass has to be high up on the list. We know dogs have a tendency to sniff or lick animal feces, and then of course there is the proverbial adage about dogs returning to their vomit. Evidently, curious canines aren’t known for their sophisticated dietary standards. Yet what…

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  • Best Dog Shows and Competitions

    Devoted dog-lovers from around the world annually congregate to celebrate the breed standards and skill levels at canine competitions and dog shows. These are held regionally, nationally and internationally, and can include thousands of competitors. While dog shows may not be considered universally entertaining, many people enjoy witnessing the best-of-the-best compete for top prizes. Some…

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  • mother and child playing with cat

    How Cats Help Children with Depression

    According to the Academy of Anxiety and Depression of America, anxiety disorder and depression afflict nearly one in eight children. However, many parents have found that owning a pet significantly decreases the severity of their child’s depression. The term “therapy pet” often makes us think of cheerful dogs, but felines can actually be certified therapy…

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  • therapy dog visiting young woman in a hospital

    Pet Therapy

    Animals tend to bring a positive presence wherever they go. Therapists have found animals to greatly improve their patients’ progress whether in emotional, mental or physical therapy. Both doctors and psychiatrists observe that patients become more relaxed, trusting, and are able to communicate better, with the help of an animal. Institutions like the Bethlem Hospital…

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  • Benefits of Hydrotherapy

    Often when people experience chronic pain, strain or injuries such as spinal restriction, joint pain, or a knee injury, they are often prescribed sessions of physical therapy. One of the more popular methods of treatment are aquatic therapies of some kind, since they remove tension and joint strain. In recent years, the same kinds of…

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  • Why Do Cats Groom?

    A study at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine found that felines spend between 30-50% of their day grooming themselves. Between licking their coats, cleaning their paws and claws, and preening their heads, noses, ears and tails, it is no wonder cats are regarded as high maintenance house pets! Cat grooming usually includes pawing and…

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  • A hunting dog leaping to catch a pheasant

    Predatory Drift

    In the field of dog training, Dr. Ian Dunbar first described behavior patterns that often occur in dogs when they interact with smaller creatures as “predatory drift.” Since there have not been any formal studies conducted about predatory drift (and the very term has been disregarded by some), we will hold to it loosely, merely…

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