Category: Training & Behavior

  • When Your Dogs Won’t Get Along

    It is normal for kids to bicker and fight from time to time, but when two adult dogs cause more drama than the humans, something has to be done. If your pooches are constantly at each other’s throats during the daily walk, or fiercely vying for attention while playing fetch; it is time to recalibrate…

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  • Snore No More: How to Stop Your Dog from Sawing Logs

    That fuzzy pup is the love of your life, but one more minute of snoring might drive you insane! Save yourself the frustration of just “dealing with it” and figure out how to solve the symphonic problem.   Consider the tactics below to figure out how to eliminate the cause of your dog’s snoring. The sooner…

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  • Why & When Do Cats Drool?

    When we think of pets drooling, most people associate hyper-salivation with canines. Dogs are known for their invasive wet kisses or slobber puddles; and anyone who lived through the ‘90’s will remember the phrase “Cats rule, dogs drool” from the film Homeward Bound. As it turns out, cats are not exempt from over-active salivary glands…

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  • Why Do Dogs Take Food Out of the Bowl Before Eating?

    Imagine dining at a fancy restaurant and dumping your fettucini alfredo on the table cloth once it has been served. To your waiter and your date’s horror, you eagerly plunge your fork into the pasta and gobble it up right from the table. Such a behavior would be inexcusable, and would certainly douse the possibility…

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  • Beagle howling

    Why Do Dogs Howl?

    Some dog breeds are more vocal than others. Yet from the smallest of yappers, to the bellowing hounds who bay mournfully; many dog owners have noticed that their pups are more inclined to howl at night. What about the night inspires dogs to wail so sorrowfully? Possible reasons why dogs are night-howlers Hereditary Instinct: Dogs…

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  • Why Do Dogs Chew on Their Paws?

    We all know dogs do silly things, but nothing is quite a bizarre as witnessing a pup repeatedly lick and nibble at his own toes. Those fuzzy paws have trekked all over, on surfaces of questionable hygiene, and yet your pup is licking happily away. Dogs use their mouths the way humans use hands, meaning…

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  • Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

    We’ve all heard the lonely meow of a cat calling out at night. It may not be the most pleasant noise, and can certainly be quite alarming to wake up to. Felines tend to be nocturnal creatures that are energetic and ready for adventure and exploration in the middle of the night. Though it is…

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  • Jealousy In Dogs

    Do dogs experience jealousy? For those that have more than one dog, or have introduced baby into a dog-owning family, it seems intuitive to believe that canines can behave jealously in competition for their owner’s affection. We know based on “pack mentality” that dogs are naturally competitive with each other, since their instincts in nature…

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  • Why Do Dogs Snore?

    Many pet parents claim to have uproariously noisy dogs that like to bark all day and snore all night. Some dog breeds can shake the curtains and lamps with their thunderous snoring, or rob the whole family of sleep with the sound of them sawing logs. Not every dog does it, but the ones who…

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  • Is Kissing a Dog Hygienic?

    Everyone expresses affection for their pets differently. Some people like to simply pat their dog on the head when they walk through the door, while others wrestle around with them and nuzzle nose-to-nose. However, one of the more controversial methods of expression is the question of kissing. Many dog owners let their pups lick their…

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