Category: Training & Behavior

  • Why Do Dogs Kick After They Poop?

    Dogs have many seemingly odd behaviors, and one of these oddities is the kicking of grass or dirt after they poop. This is just normal behavior for dogs, and is not unique to your pooch (if that is what you were wondering). The most likely answer that you might get from someone if you ask…

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  • sphynx cat jumping

    How Can Cats Jump So High?

    Cats are known to have amazing physical agility, balance, ability to squeeze through tight spaces, and are especially famous for always landing on their feet, not to mention the (mythical) nine lives. An interesting, but not often-discussed, part of their physical abilities is the capability to jump relatively high. If you have lived with a…

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  • Photo of a blonde boy and his dog after the rain

    Why Are Dogs Afraid of Thunder, and What Can Be Done About It?

    Animals, including dogs don’t have an innate understanding of what natural events, such as thunderstorms, are; so, they become scared when they are faced with loud unfamiliar sounds. The loud, unfamiliar, sound is perceived as a threatening element. When feeling threatened, your dog will try to hide in a place where she feels secure; this…

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  • Group of four kids playing with husky puppy in the park

    Puppy Socialization

    Socializing a puppy mean helping her learn appropriate interaction and behavior with a variety of people that she is likely to come across, as well as other dogs. Puppies are great at adapting to their environment, so it is important to expose them to as much as possible with a variety of people, environments, locals,…

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  • A de-stressed dog is a happy dog, and perhaps with some extra years.

    Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

    It may seem like your dog is sleeping too much, but more often than not, it is just the natural amount of sleep that a dog needs to live a healthy and productive life. The amount of sleep a dog should get depends a lot on the level activity it has during her waking hours—but…

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  • domestic cat sitting in the cardboard box

    Why Do Cats Like (Small) Boxes?

    If you have had the opportunity to observe a cat for some amount of time, you have certainly noticed that cat’s like cozy spaces, and will take the opportunity to get into empty boxes whenever they can. So, why do cats like cozy space, but more specifically, boxes? The simplest explanation is that cats are…

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  • cat enjoying cuddling in old man's lap

    Why Do Cats Purr?

    The soothing purr of a cat is possibly one of the most calming sounds in the world, at least for those who enjoy feline companionship. This wonderfully enigmatic and auditory pacifier is shrouded in mystery as there is no definitive answer to the question, ‘Why do cats purr?’. There are, however, several plausible explanations. The…

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  • Why Are Cats Afraid of Cucumbers?

    Videos of cats reacting to cucumbers have been cropping up around the internet, and even though initially their reaction to the sudden appearance of cucumbers may be funny, some experts suggest that the prank may be doing harm to the cats. If you are not familiar with the videos mentioned above, here is an example…

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  • Why Do Cats Flick Their Tails?

    Animal body language, especially that of a cat can tell us a lot about what they are thinking, how they are feeling, or what they are about to do. So it is important to pay attention to our pets in order to get to know them. Tail flicking is one such behavior that is most…

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  • old scottish fold cat

    Why Do Cats Isolate Themselves?

    Cats exhibit a variety of behaviors, most of which can seem weird to (first-time) owners, and it is important to be attuned to this behavior so that the meanings behind the behavior doesn’t go unnoticed. A lot of such behavior can be relegated to the category of the cat’s eccentricity, but there are some behaviors…

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