Category: Training & Behavior

  • Why Do Cats Trill?

    Cats always seem to have something new with which to surprise humans, and first-time owners may be surprised by some of the noises cats make, including trilling. Trilling is a cross between a meow, and a purr. If you are unsure about what kind of sound a trill is, then check the video at the…

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  • How to Stop a Kitten from Biting?

    Cats are hunters, and as such, they will stalk, and attempt to capture prey, but before they can graduate to that level of activity, they hone their skills by playing and exploring while they are just little kittens. The instinctive prey drive is very strong in cats, and, of course, kittens, and just because today’s…

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  • cat being given a bath

    Why Do Cats Dislike Water?

    There are many theories about why cats dislike water, but there is no definitive answer to the question. The theories are based on reasonable assumptions; however, there is no conclusive answer. So what are some of the explanations for the aversion cats show towards water? Genetics & Instinct: The ancestors of the domesticated cat lived…

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  • Cat Behavior Expert: What Do Cats Think of Us?

    When it comes to emotion, cats seem harder to read than dogs. Because of this, we humans have a tough time trying to ascertain what our pet felines actually think about us, since they can be so aloof and mysterious. Cat behavior expert John Bradshaw (University of Bristol) revealed many of his findings about how…

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  • Why Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Rear Ends

    We’ve all seen dogs do it.  When canines approach each other, they often walk right up the other dog’s rear end at the first meeting.  To a human, nothing seems stranger or more distasteful than the idea of taking a nice long whiff of another being’s behind. But to a dog, this is not only…

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  • Cats Sleep in Strange Positions

    Not only do cats like to fit in tiny spaces, and perch on the highest of heights, they also have an affinity for sleeping in odd positions. We know that felines have more flexible spines than humans do, but it is hard to imagine some of the twisted, cramped stances they choose to be even…

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  • dachshund lyiing down, looking at camera

    Submissive Urination & How to Prevent It

    Submissive urination is an involuntary reaction to the presence of another dog or human who the dog feels is either superior or intimidating. This is a reaction to indicate their submissiveness. Sometimes submissive urination occurs as a result of overexcitement, for example, when greeting someone. Submissive urination may also happen as a result of scolding…

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  • koi fish painting

    Cats Fascinated by Koi Ponds

    Felines love fish. Well, they love to eat fish, paw at fish, and watch fish. Naturally when fish are swimming just inches below the surface of a very accessible pond, it is no surprise that one might spot a cat staring into the waters below. Some kitties are held completely captive by the enchantingly large…

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  • Tellington TTouch Therapy for Pets

    When it comes to pet-training, there is no shortage of creative methods people use to improve the obedience and responsiveness of their pets. However, one unique method is called the Tellington TTouch training system. This mainly uses movement and randomized touch patterns to help animals connect with their pet owners, gain increased awareness, relaxation and…

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  • Is Positive Reinforcement Training Always the Answer?

    Most of our readers are likely familiar with positive reinforcement training, which at the most basic level is when a trainer provides positive reinforcement in the form of praise, treats, or other undesirable in return for desired behavior exhibited by the subject. The repetition of this process instills in the trainee the desired behaviors and…

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