Category: Training & Behavior

  • Cats In Trouble

    You know the face. The one where you interrupted your cat from doing something he shouldn’t. Whether he is playing in the trash, or has a mouthful of your brand new sweater, felines sometimes can display the same level of guiltiness as dogs do! Here are some of our favorite pictures of troublesome kitties or…

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  • Why Is My Dog Whining?

    It might seem like your Jack Russell Terrier is whining for no reason as he sits on the couch by you, but have you considered all the options? Is something frightening him, or are his hip joints acting up again? Since dogs cannot communicate verbally the way humans do, it is important to pay attention…

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  • 10 Weird Things Dogs Love

    There is no doubt that every dog has an inner goofy side, or an odd-ball aspect to his personality. And while each individual dog might have his own set of peculiarities and idiosyncrasies, there are some strange habits and behaviors that many dogs seem to share. Here are a few of our favorites: 1. The…

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  • Playing with Laser Pointers and Cats

    The game of cat and mouse has existed as long as felines have been prowling the planet. Chasing prey is second nature to a cat, so it is no surprise that many of the games we play at home with our domestic pets mimic the behaviors they would have in the wild. From feather-tipped fishing…

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  • old man in wheelchair petting therapy dog

    Questions About Therapy Pets

    Dogs who work as therapy pets provide great hope for healing amongst needy patients. It can be an emotional, mental and physical aid to have the comforting presence of a dog nearby in times of difficulty, trauma, recovery or therapy sessions. If you are considering whether or not your dog might be suited for this…

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  • two cats about to fight

    Types Of Aggression Between Cats

    Animals tend to act out when they get around other unfamiliar pets. Dogs sniff each other to assess who is the “top” dog, and cats mimic the same sort of thing by walking in circles around each other in a kind of dance. For this reason, pet parents have to work doubly hard to properly…

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  • Is My Cat Normal?

    Cats are strange creatures. One moment they are cuddling contentedly on the couch with you, and the next they are bounding mid-air for the furthest perch in the room.  There is no doubt that cats can behave erratically, confusing and confounding their owners.  The good news is, most of their oddities are totally normal feline…

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  • black-cat-on-leash

    How To Train Your Cat To Walk On A Leash

    In so many ways owning a cat is much simpler than owning a dog. Cats use litter boxes, know how to be independent, they entertain themselves, and they do not require hour-long hikes every day to stay mentally and physically fit.  However, when it comes to outdoor activities, dogs have the leg up on cats.…

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  • cat being walked on a leash

    Should You Walk Your Cat on A Leash?

    Many of our blogs encourage people to keep their cat indoors at all times.  This is largely for the simple reason that it is just safer and healthier for them to do so. Being allowed to wander outside exposes cats to all sorts of bacteria, diseases, and traumatic situations that they would be better off…

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  • scared labrador puppy

    Things That Commonly Scare Dogs

    Some pets are more skittish than others. The slightest shadow or unexpected noise seem to send them into a whirling frenzy racing around the room, or barking at the top of their lungs. Others diver under the covers, their little bodies shaking uncontrollably, and some dogs might even be incontinent when they get spooked. Wherever…

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