Category: Training & Behavior

  • dog and owner walking

    6 Activities That Are Better With Your Dog

    Life is better with a dog. They are man’s best friend, a faithful buddy, and cheerful comrade in every up and down that circumstances send our way. Here are some of the elements of life that prove having a dog with you always makes a good time a GREAT one! Working Out: Having trouble getting…

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  • Why Do Cats Knead With Their Paws?

    Felines are full of unusual behaviors and odd habits. Cats hide in tiny corners, bat at curtains, stay glued to the front window for hours, and even take a munch on grass from time to time. Most humans are often puzzled at why cats do what they do, and what compels them to pick up…

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  • Bullmastiff chewing on toy

    The Benefit of Chew Toys

    Dogs and cats love to chew on things, there is no doubt about it. They will happily chomp on whatever enticing object they can get their grubby paws on, whether you approve of their selection or not. Some pet owners may feel that chew toys are luxuries that are not really necessary for a pet’s…

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  • old cat

    How Pets Change With Age

    Most dogs ten to live between 10-12 years, while cats can live up from 15-18. When you spend over a decade with a pet, it can be difficult to watch things change in both behaviors and personality as he gets older. Like humans, pets can lose mobility, motor functions, sensory awareness and the general pep…

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  • Training Your Dog to Use a Potty Pad

    Apartment dwellers, people who own small dogs, and pet-owners with demanding work schedules all benefit from providing their pup with an indoor relief option. Having a designated “potty pad” or a “pee-pee patch” of grass in on the porch or balcony can be a very helpful tool if the dog is correctly trained on how…

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  • Potty Pads for Dogs

    Housebreaking and potty-training are two of the most challenging aspects of working with pets. Setting up boundaries, teaching pets to obey commands, to restrain themselves and eliminate when necessary… these things take time and patience to establish. It can be especially difficult if the pet owner works long days and can’t get home to let…

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  • cat looking out the window

    Entertaining An Indoor Cat

    It’s the middle of winter and you may be wracking your brain for more ways to keep your indoor cat a happy camper.   While some pet owners start to pity their pets’ weather-induced confinement, we still encourage people to keep their cats inside for a plethora of reasons. Indoor cats are more likely to be…

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  • 7 Things Dogs Hate

    Think your dog just adores everything you do, no questions asked? Wrong! Though canines do have the reputation for being more laid-back than their finicky feline friends, this does not mean that our behaviors don’t perturb our pets at times. Find out what humans do that drive dogs up the wall. The Naughty List! Over-vocalization.…

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  • persian cat sleeping

    Do Cats Dream?

    While the simple answer to this question would be yes or no, the reality is a bit more complex than that. Most scientists and animal behaviorists believe that several factors indicate that felines do dream just like humans. When in a deep slumber, cats twitch, drool, even run, mutter or whimper in their sleep. However,…

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  • Good Reasons to Crate Train a Dog

    Many people acknowledge the virtues of using a crate to help house break a dog, but there are those who view it as more of an abusive prison cell rather than a positive element of a dog’s existence. This is unfortunately a false perception. Here are a few good reasons why choosing to crate train…

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