Category: Training & Behavior

  • Why Do Cats Spray?

    Felines have unique ways of notifying the world of their presence.  They rub against furniture or human legs, they sprawl across common spaces, and leave claw marks by scratching surfaces. Rubbing against or stretching out over a couch, bed or other surface leaves a cat’s personal scent (which is emitted through scent glands on his…

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  • muddy Golden Retriever

    Why Dogs Roll in Things That Stink

    We’ve all seen dogs dive right into a pile of trash, or roll head-first into dirty leaves, muddy puddles, and even manure. What on earth possesses them to do this, especially when they’ve just had a bath? Though canines often confound and confuse us, we are still held captive by their charm. Here are some…

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  • 5 New Tricks To Teach Your Dog This Year

    With January ringing in the New Year, maybe it is time to shake things up a little with your pet.  (We don’t mean actually teaching your dog to shake; he probably already does that!) But why not consider training your pooch to do some of these fun tricks? Whether he learns to literally jump through…

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  • Discipline Training vs Positive Reinforcement

    Each experienced pet owner probably has their own theory about what method of training and discipline works best. Some ascribe to only positive reinforcement, while others believe in using the “velvet glove in an iron hand” approach of firmness and discipline. While certain aspects of strong discipline might have their place, most dog behaviorists and…

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  • What To Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat

    It is no secret that most cats live to the beat of their own drum. They generally do what they want to do, when they want to do it. This applies to everything from playing, napping, exploring, hiding, and even eating. Some unfortunate pet owners have struggled to get their fastidious felines to sup on…

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  • dogs digging at the beach

    Beach Etiquette For Dogs

    Everybody loves going to the beach, and what better way is there to enjoy the surf, sunshine and sand, then to take your favorite furry friend along!  There are all kinds of exciting new smells for a dog to discover, games of fetch to be played, Frisbees to be thrown, and sunlit naps to indulge…

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  • Training and Disciplining Aggressive Dogs

    The word “discipline” has a negative connotation, because it usually involves something unpleasant that disables us from doing what we want.   But the origin of the word comes from disciple, meaning training and teaching someone in the way they should go.  Working with and “disciplining” dogs is not about physical demonstrations as much as it…

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  • What To Do When You Have a Lazy Dog

    Cuddling on the couch with your canine pal can be a pleasant way to end a long work day. But if snoozing, lounging and eating are all your pup wants to do, that can raise some behavioral as well as physical health concerns. Is the dog really lazy? That might seem like an obvious question,…

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  • Litter-Robot™: The Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box Robot

    Owning a cat is a great privilege and a joy, but few feline owners look forward to the task of cleaning out the litter box. Not only is it a smelly experience to sift through urine-infused litter in search of fecal remains, but handling soiled cat litter while pregnant can even be life-threatening to the…

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  • Training Aggressive Dogs

    No one likes to work with an unruly dog. But worse than a bundle of rambunctious energy, is a dog with an aggressive streak. Fortunately, if you treat every dog as if they are a good dog who just needs some behavioral correcting, instead of an inherently bad dog with no chance of succeeding, then…

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