Category: Training & Behavior

  • PetMate Doskocil Crazy Circle

    Indestructible Cat Toys

    Cats as a species are usually less inclined to rip their toys to shreds than dogs are. They may be more interested in exploring, hiding, sleeping, or grooming themselves. However some cats do devote hours to chewing on toys, and doing so is actually beneficial for their oral hygiene and health. Not only that, but…

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  • Cats and Dogs: Best Frenemies

    Cats and dogs are sworn enemies, right? Most of us can’t quite kick the image of a dog chasing a frightened cat around the yard, or the idea that any flustered feline would hiss at an approaching hound. However, as hundreds of pet owners could attest, many domestic dogs and cats cohabit amicably together, even…

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  • 7 Things Cats Hate

    While some cats might be more easy-going than others, nearly all cats share the same dislikes. Glance below for some insights about what annoys, disturbs and frustrates you long-suffering feline friends. Try to avoid these things which drive your cat crazy, or he may begin plotting your demise. The List! Driving:   Being in a moving…

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  • Why a Dog Might Bite a Child

    Pups generally are enthusiastic and nurturing companions that are loyal and eager to please.  But sometimes accidents happen, and even the sweetest “nanny dog” can be pushed over the edge, leaving your child’s fingers bruised and bitten.  Find out what triggers might cause a dog to snap at your child, so you can know how…

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  • Medical Detection Dogs

    Canines can warn their owners about a variety of disasters such as oncoming gales, earthquakes, poisonous substances and dangerous weather patterns.  But beyond their natural survival instincts, these skilled animals also are able to alert their masters of health-related issues or complications they might have. Medical detection dogs devote their lives to observing and warning…

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  • How to Stay Sane When You Live with A High-Energy Dog

    The dark circles under your eyes are getting deeper. It seems from early sunrise wake up call, to the enthusiastic snuggles that follow, your dog is determined to let you get as little sleep as possible. Then your waking hours are spent trying to quell the eagerness, energy and spunk that follow your pup as…

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  • How Dogs Know When a Storm is Coming

    There is a wealth of wives’ tales and myths about dogs and their special abilities. Though some of these may be unfounded superstitions, many of the most impressive facts about dogs are actually true. Their noses are legendarily able to detect the most subtle distinctions in scent, and they are able to hear sounds we…

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  • Disasters About Which Pets Warn Us

    There are countless reasons why canine companionship has proven invaluable to humans. Their keen “sixth sense” and perception allows them to often know that something will happen before we do. From earthquakes to heatstroke, find out about a dog’s uncanny ability to sense danger, and how they warn us about it. About What Types of…

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  • What To Do When You Adopt the Wrong Pet

    One of the main reasons why people are afraid to adopt an adult pet, is they worry it will turn out to be a bad match and they will regret the decision. There are unfortunately some people who fall in love with a dog while it is young and adorable, but then lose interest when…

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  • How to Find a Good Pet Trainer

    Trusting a pet with a stranger can be a difficult step to take. But fortunately, the benefits of living in a modern society, means that we have a much easier time accessing information about a potential hire, long before we even meet them in person. Personal references, online reviews, and training videos all help people…

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