Collective Animals Names

school of fish


  • A herd of elephants
  • A pride of lions
  • A pack of wolves
  • A troop of monkeys
  • A pod of dolphins
  • A colony of bats
  • A herd of deer
  • A gang of elk
  • A tower of giraffes
  • A bloat of hippopotamuses
  • A leap of leopards
  • A troop of kangaroos
  • A conspiracy of lemurs
  • A parliament of rooks
  • A business of ferrets
  • A labor of moles
  • A mischief of mice
  • A romp of otters
  • A crash of rhinoceroses
  • A sleuth of bears
  • A clan of hyenas
  • A mob of meerkats
  • A sounder of wild boars
  • A dazzle of zebras


  • A murder of crows
  • A parliament of owls
  • A gaggle of geese
  • An ostentation of peacocks
  • A flock of sheep
  • A convocation of eagles
  • A descent of woodpeckers
  • An exaltation of larks
  • A flamboyance of flamingos
  • A kettle of hawks
  • A murmuration of starlings
  • A pandemonium of parrots
  • A charm of finches
  • A bouquet of pheasants
  • A wake of buzzards
  • A colony of penguins
  • A pitying of turtledoves
  • A gulp of cormorants
  • A siege of herons
  • A skein of geese (in flight)
  • A watch of nightingales

Fish and Sea Creatures

  • A school of fish
  • A shiver of sharks
  • A fever of stingrays
  • A smack of jellyfish
  • An army of herring
  • A risk of lobsters
  • A bed of oysters
  • A fluther of jellyfish
  • A shoal of bass
  • A run of salmon
  • A turmoil of porpoises

Reptiles and Amphibians

  • A bale of turtles
  • A knot of toads
  • A congregation of alligators
  • A nest of snakes
  • A lounge of lizards
  • An army of frogs
  • A generation of vipers

Insects and Arachnids

  • A swarm of bees
  • A colony of ants
  • A kaleidoscope of butterflies
  • A cloud of gnats
  • A plague of locusts
  • A clutter of spiders
  • A bike of wasps
  • A scourge of mosquitoes

Domestic Animals

  • A clowder of cats
  • A kennel of dogs
  • A flock of chickens
  • A drove of cattle
  • A team of horses
  • A herd of goats
  • A trip of goats
  • A drift of hogs
  • A litter of puppies
  • A kindle of kittens

Uncommon and Quirky

  • A prickle of porcupines
  • A storytelling of ravens
  • A zeal of zebras
  • A confusion of wildebeest
  • A shrewdness of apes
  • A parade of elephants
  • A flamboyance of flamingos
  • A tower of giraffes
  • An implausibility of gnus
  • A bloat of hippopotamuses
  • An aurora of polar bears
  • A committee of vultures
  • A wisdom of wombats