Alternative Veterinary Care Treatments

dog relaxing on massage table

When taking your cat or dog to the vet, one expects that they will do a physical examination of the animal, run some basic tests,  and discuss lifestyle details with the pet owner to understand where improvements to the pet’s health might need to be made. The treatments offered are usually in line with the basic standard approach by most common veterinarians.  However, there are offices that offer holistic medical treatments, even applying many techniques that are used on humans. This kind of practice would offer a combination of therapies designed to improve the overall wellness of a cat or dog, by using things like massage, acupuncture, nutritional supplements/diet guiding, chiropractic work, and even Reiki techniques. If you are curious about seeing a veterinarian who might use more natural therapies that address the animal as a whole, rather than treating certain regions of the body, here is a brief break down of the integrative veterinary therapies that many holistic care providers employ.

Alternative Therapy Options

Physical Therapy & Massage

This improves limb and joint range of motion, training animals in balance, coordination, by practicing things such as how to walk like a wheelbarrow, dance on their hind legs, and walk on uneven surfaces. Massage loosens up the muscles, tension, strain and soreness which inhibits movement. It helps process out toxins in the body, and restores muscle tissue to a healthier state. This is accomplished through:

  • Muscular massage
  • Water therapy
  • Ice/Heat Therapy
  • Props use: such as life vests, weights, slings, etc.


The purpose of acupuncture is to increase blood flow, improve blockage, eliminate toxins, and help tone organs.


Minor adjustments and realignment of the spine helps dogs and cats regain their balance, have better blood circulation and physical energy. It also helps prevent muscle spasm, pain and imbalance and difficulty walking.

Herbal Medicine

Instead of prescribing typical drugs and medications that most health care professionals use, the holistic veterinarians would use Asian herbs, Chinese medications and supplements to provide more natural remedies for the pet. These prove helpful in bringing balance to the body’s natural defense and immunity and offers other alternatives to harsh medications that may cause allergies or have severe side effects on the animal. However, they must be administered in the proper proportions or it can be dangerous for the kidneys and liver.

Note: Some veterinarians also provide care through homeopathic treatments. This uses plant, animal and mineral substances to naturally treat ailments, and is a modality that is not widely understood. Be sure that the practitioner you and your pet are seeing has been properly educated and has the right credentials, since the success of these remedies relies heavily on the ability and knowledge of the person practicing homeopathic medicine.