Basic Grooming Treatments for Dogs and Cats

Most pet owners can expect to find many of the same basic treatments for canines and felines at every groomer they visit. No matter what location, there are basic grooming options one can expect to see offered. First-time grooming appointments generally begin with an initial consultation. After understanding the pet’s needs, health concerns and behaviors, the groomer then provides the cat or dog with the individual service, or multi-treatment package of the owner’s choosing. One sample package might include the shampoo of the owner’s choice, a basic trim (including the hygienic shave), and a dental check/tooth brushing. Packages will increase in both price and length of time required to complete the session. Groomers typically advise guests to expect the appointment to take between 3-4 hours to complete, so that the cat or dog will not feel rushed or panicky. The most common grooming treatments are listed below:

Basic Grooming Treatments for Dogs

  • Shampooing and Blow-drying
    • Oxygen infused bath
    • Hypoallergenic shampoo
    • Medicated washes
    • Oatmeal bath
    • Flea shampoo
    • Moisturizing coat shampoo
  • De-matting and hair trim
  • 15-minute coat brushing
  • Ear cleaning, hair removal, ear flushing & disinfectant wipe
  • Paw trim and pad buffing
  • Sanitary Trim
  • Nail trimming/buffing/capping
  • Dental cleaning /tooth brushing
  • Anal gland expression

Extras: There are other flea-fighting treatments that dog owners can opt for. Some of these include an anti-flea ointment rub to follow the flea shampoo, combined with a nail grind to discourage your dog for the harmful scratching.

Basic Grooming Treatments for Cats

  • Shampooing & Blow Dry
    • “Furminator” or Low-shed shampoos
    • Hypoallergenic shampoos
    • Flea shampoo
    • Moisturizing shampoos
  • De-matting and coat trim (Felines are usually offered a basic face, feet and tail trim. Long-hair breeds can also choose a lion’s cut, light trim, and a tummy shave)
  • Sanitary trim
  • Nail trim
  • Nail buffing & capping
  • 15-minute brushing & wiped down
  • Ear cleaning and wiping
  • Paw trim & pad buffing
  • Paw cream/moisture rub
  • Dental cleaning/tooth brushing
  • Anal gland expression

Extras: Groomers can also use aromatherapy products to help a cat relax during their treatments. The use of essential oil sprays also add a gentle fragrance and light moisture to the cat’s coat. For more extravagant grooming options, check out the ornate grooming treatments for pets!