Biological Facts About Dogs

Afghan hound puppy

Afghan hound puppy

You can never know too much about dogs, since there are hundreds of unique breeds, and thousands of years’ history about canines. However, here is a quick list of fun facts that have to do with a dog’s anatomy!

Most canines can impose around 150-300 pounds of pressure for every square inch of their mouths.  (This is a great reminder to not upset any of the bigger dog breeds, whose mouths can exert up to 400-450 pounds per square inch!)

Dog noses are one of the most confounding and complex scent detection noses of any creature alive. Bloodhounds are one breed who are able to identify and track multiple scents at once.

The length of the nasal cavity determines the efficacy of the breed’s physical cooling system.  Dogs with short noses (called brachycephalic  breeds ) struggle with respiratory issues and the ability to moderate their body temperature. (Though dogs also sweat through their paws and tongue.)

Some dogs are excellent swimmers partially because they have naturally webbed toes on their feet. (A couple of these breeds are Labradors and Newfoundlands.)

Chihuahua dogs are similar to human babies in that they are born with soft tissue in their skull. Like humans, this patch will harden later one.

Though it is the Irish Wolfhound who claims the title of the largest dog breed known to man, the St. Bernard is heaviest, due to his bone density and body weight.

Don’t judge a dog by its size and current circumstances. Many small dog breeds (such as the Dachshund, Basset Hound, and the Beagle) were bred to hunt for burrowing prey like rabbits, groundhogs and feisty badgers!

Besides humans, dogs are the only creatures who also have prostates. Ever gone through an appendicitis? Your dog will never suffer the same kind of injury, as they are without an appendix.

All canine puppies are born blind, toothless and deaf, only gaining the senses and teeth in the weeks that follow their delivery.

Dogs can learn up to 200 commands and signals, and can make a wide variety of sounds, calls and vocal inflections. (All but the Basenji dog, which is known for barking only rarely.)

Canines are able to see colors (though not all colors that humans can), and detect people first based on movement, then brightness, and then shape.  It is believed that a person waving their hands and standing up to a mile away can still be recognized and identified by his dog.