Starch-Free VS Grain-Free Pet Food

Packages and labels can be deceiving.  What looks like a healthy alternative to the mainstream carb-loaded kibbles, could actually be a product packed with fillers that are just as detrimental to your dog or cat. Because the pet food industry has a reputation for mixing ingredients of questionable quality and origin in their products, customers need to take initiative and find out what is behind the label. The life and health of your pet depends upon it. By knowing exactly what kind of food you are feeding your pet, you are improving their health and helping guard them against diseases and ailments so often caused by poor nutrition.  Stay informed through our at-a-glance chart below:

Grain-Free Foods

  1. These produce replace whole grains with starches of poor nutritional quality such as: potatoes, peas, tapioca, etc.  This provide even less of a benefit than grains like corn or wheat.
  2. Pet food products labeled “natural” or “healthier” and “just like the wild” are misleading claims that are falsely applied.
  3. The starches used in Grain-Free food replace corn (which provide substantive ingredients such as lutein and zeaxanthin) and replaces it with potatoes which are nutritionally inferior. While it removed the “grains” from the product, doing so took some useful ingredients  (as well as probiotics) with it.
  4. Grain-Free foods claim to provide a “natural diet” that will strengthen pets, but load their products with the same starches that have caused health problems in pets for decades.
  5. Grain-Free products are driven by marketing schemes to sell a product of decreased nutritional value, packed with the same harmful ingredients to uninformed customers. These products are based on industry trends, hype and profiteering, NOT the actual health of the animal.

Starch-Free Foods

  1. These products remove all useless starches (which break down into polysugars) that provide no health benefits, and act as fillers.
  2. Starch-free foods are harder to come by,  they are the closest products which genuinely reflect a natural diet similar to how wild dogs and cats would eat in nature.
  3. Replace all the starches with protein (essential for carnivores) along with vitamins, nutrients and minerals to improve a pet’s health.
  4. Starch-free foods are clinically proven to guard against: obesity, diabetes, cancer, dental disease, feline urinary stones, immune deficiency, infectious diseases, skin allergies, and organ failure, etc.
  5. Starch-Free foods seek to improve the quality of life for the pet, without cutting corners on cost or diminishing the value of product. Truly starch-free pet foods provide a beneficial alternative to the typical kibble food, to improve the health and resilience of the pet.