Sweet Table Scrap Recipes for Home-Made Dog Treats

Sprinkling leftover meat into a dog’s food bowl might seem like a natural intuition when it comes to savory dishes. But how many of us look at a slushy pile of leftover raspberries and think, “My dog would LOVE that”?  While adding protein, healthy starches, and vitamin-rich veggies might make sense to us, it is more challenging to consider how one might use sweeter items in dog food.  Fortunately, we have gathered a list for plate-scraping pet owners who want to use yummy leftovers that are rich in antioxidants, proteins or probiotics (such as blueberries, peanut butter, or yoghurt) for the benefit of their dog. From cool summertime treats to tasty winter snacks, we will help you get a second round of use with those table scraps. Waste not, want not!

Peanut Butter Berry Balls

Dogs love peanut butter, there is no doubt about it.  When your peanut butter jar is getting low, take a spoon and scoop out the inside of the jar for the concoction. Add a dollop of yogurt to the bowl, along with any extra ingredients you have remaining that could compliment peanut butter (such as whole grain oatmeal, honey, dried fruits etc.).  Add a few handfuls of berries to the bowl, and then microwave it for a 15-20 seconds. Stir the mixture together, and then put it into the fridge to cool. After a few hours, take the batter out, and role it into bite-sized balls with flour in your hands. Then put these in a large freezer bags in the fridge for storage. 

Frozen Yogurt Pops

Kids often will dig their spoons into a brand new yogurt for only a few bites before pushing it away. Keep these leftover bits and throw them into a blender.  Add blueberries, apple slices, strawberries, bananas, even carrots pieces or oatmeal that your children may have abandoned. You can also pull out last night’s leftover fruit salad or canned pears and add it to the other goodies to make fruit-soup. Mix this fresh-fruit-and-yogurt blend together, then pour the purée into popsicle molds for a chilly treat to give your dog on hot afternoons.

Fruity Crunch Pup Cakes

  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ cup of unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 tbsp. honey (or molasses)
  • 1 tsp. of cinnamon
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup unsweetened apple chips
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  • 4 cups of flour

Use the rest of the applesauce that your infant didn’t touch, or your child’s half-empty bag of apple chips, banana chips & other dried fruits to make a delicious doggy treat.
Mix the water, applesauce, honey, and egg into a bowl. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well-balanced.  Spray muffin tins, and pour batter into each tin until they are about half way full.  Bake at 350 for about 60-70 minutes.

Hot Fruit Mash

Applesauce is always cool and refreshing, but why not change it up with a hot fruit mash this next holiday season?  We cook all kinds of fruits in the winter, from poached pears, to baked apples, to berry cobbler and peach pie, etc.  Next time there is some baked fruit left over, throw it in a food processor and blend it into a thick gravy. Warm it up a little, and put the mash in a dish next to your pup’s food bowl.  On cold nights, this toasty topping will not only help your pup get extra fiber and vitamins, but it will be a flavorful treat that may send him into a blissful winter’s nap.

(*NOTE:  DO NOT add any grapes and raisins to these recipes as these are poisonous for dogs.)