Useful Facts About Fleas

Don't let things get out of hand. Know what makes a flea tick.
Don’t let things get out of hand. Know what makes a flea tick.

When parasites set in, they can be very difficult to overcome. Many pet parents have informed us that no matter how hard they try, or how many products they use, the fleas just don’t seem to go away. That may be for a number of reason: perhaps they are not disinfecting their home, car, clothes, rugs, etc., or perhaps they are just not applying the right products. Whatever the case might be, the first step of flea warfare, is to know your enemy. Whenever ticks take roost or fleas nestle into a host, it is important to know as much about them as possible, so that you will understand how to respond. Get a load of these flea facts before you and your pet head to the wash bin.

Flea Facts

  • There are over 2000 kinds of fleas worldwide, and 200 types in America alone!
  • The two most common kinds of fleas are the Dog Flea (ctenocephalides canis) and the Cat Flea (ctenocephalides felis). If your pup starts scratching at the bugs, it is surprisingly a tribe of Cat fleas (Dog fleas are more common in Europe than in the United States.)
  • Fleas are difficult to detect with the naked eye. You can confirm your pet has fleas by checking his underbelly for what will look like specs of dirt. To see if it is the feces of a flea, pinch this “dirt” between wet fingers and note if it turns red (the color of your dog’s blood). If so, you have an infestation on your hands. Literally.
  • Fleas are more than just a pest, they actually can create serious health issues for animals. If ingested (for example, if your dog bites his fur as a way of itching it, and accidentally swallows some fleas) then he can get tapeworms.
  • Female fleas reproduce rapidly, laying eggs just 48 hours after their first meal.
  • Fleas can lay around 50 eggs a day continuously, meaning time is of the essence when it comes to extermination. Therefore, the moment you discover the infestation, go to the store to get a few of the many flea-defeating products to get conquer this determined colony of foes!

Further Resources About Fleas