5 Ways Owning a Cat Makes You Happier and Healthier

Cats are a strange combination of the utmost composure, and sporadic insanity. Their routines, daily habits, and personalities have ever caused these pampered pets to be some of the most highly favored animals in the world. Even the most devoted dog fans can’t deny the amazing benefits below that owning a cat has on a cat-lover.

5 Benefits of Owning a Cat

  • Kitty-keepers have strong hearts. Did you know cat owners are less likely to die from heart attack than people without pets? The University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute conducted a study in 2008 where they had kept records of roughly 4,500 individuals (3 out of 5 of them were cat-owners) for almost a decade. Within that time, it was found that there cat owners were 30% less likely to have heart disease or heart attacks, compared to those that do not have cats. NOTE: Children who grow up around cats from a young age are less likely to suffer from allergies or asthma.
  • Purring has physical benefits. The steady and melodious hum of purring, creates a soothing, gentle murmur that is pleasant to hear. Purring has been found physically beneficial for humans because it reduces stress levels and lowers blood pressure. Not only this, but by simply holding your purring cat on your lap, the vibrations (which have a frequency of 25-150 Hertz) improve both bone density and cell healing. (And people say being a couch potato with your cat is unhealthy! Well, ok. Moderation in all things.)
  • Cats help mental disabilities and depression. Felines has proven advantageous companions for people with disabilities, autism, and depression. The calming, steady presence of an animal encourage openness and expression. Physically engaging with cats is also extremely healthful. Petting an animal is known to increase mental stimulation, the immune system, while it lowers blood pressure, and the stress chemical cortisol. Though animal petting could occur with a horse, bunny, dog or even a guinea pig, cats have a quiet, undemanding presence about them that makes the positive aspects of petting most effective.
  • They make you laugh. Does that sound ridiculous? Before you get skeptical, remember that laughter is scientifically proven to benefit health. Laughter reduces blood pressure, and strengthens the diaphragm, abdominal, back and facial muscles. It reduces stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) while increasing alertness, good moods, and disease-fighting cells such as Gamm-interferon and T-cells. Fortunately, cats have a knack for making us laugh, just by the way they move, hide, chase, twitch and topple unexpectedly! The good news is, even if you don’t OWN a cat, watching funny feline videos has the same psychological effect. A study in 2014 by Loma Linda University in California, noted that individuals who watched 20 minutes of cat videos a day had drastically lower cortisol levels, and that senior subjects felt their memories were stronger.
  • Cats exemplify balance. They are a calm, meditative presence most of the time. If any creature knows the value of silence and taking long naps, it is the feline.  But they also have a streak of complete insanity, leaping several feet up and twitching or thrashing mid-aid, or wildly attacking the couch cushion for no reason. Observing cat habits can be enlightening and soothing, especially if we mimic them. Swallowing pain, bottling up emotions can be destructive to a person’s wellbeing. It is important to take a note from cats and let yourself go a little crazy now and then, to allow self-expression to help you process whatever is going on inside.


The Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-cats-purr/
Medical News Today:
The Cat Site: