How Caring for Pets Can Improve Your Love Life

Portrait of husky dog with kissing couple behind

Portrait of husky dog with kissing couple behind

Most people agree that an individual is instantly more approachable if they have a pet with them. Puppies attract attention, and a fluffy cat on a leash certainly provides an abundance of ice breaking introductions. But when we insist that owning a pet can improve someone’s love life, we aren’t just talking about those single guys who walk their roommate’s dog in hope of having a reason to talk to the cute jogger; using a pet to hit on someone is NOT the subject matter here. Instead, we think there are actual reasons why pet care opens up all kinds of positive possibilities when it comes to romance. So don’t let the term “cat lady” get you down; it is proven that owning a pet increases an individual’s romantic desirability.  Here are the reasons why:

Pet ownership increases awareness.  When someone cares for an animal, they are required to think about another individual’s needs often. It is so easy for individuals to prioritize their own desires and preferences above anyone else’s; therefore having a live-in, dependent roommate such as a dog or a cat can be very helpful.  Romantic relationships are all about observing the other person, learning their needs, and making them feel cared about and provided for. Cats and dogs are unintentional trainers, since pet parents must put their animals’ needs above their own personal convenience, or (like in human relationships) they will go on to suffer for it.

Pet ownership necessitates responsibility: Owning a dog or a cat requires an individual to set concrete boundaries, honor agreements, and meet deadlines.  It means making plans they will have to keep, like picking up more cat food, making sure to pay the dog sitter, or showing up to the dog training session on time, etc.  Caring for pets helps people become more reliable and responsible, since the health and livelihood of another creature’s life depends solely upon the owner.  

Pet ownership promotes commitment. Pet ownership means the person is signing up for 10+ years of a committed relationship. Though some people violate this unofficial contract by abandoning or returning pets after only a few months, most people settle down and bond with their cat or dog. This helps an individual build an established, long-term connection, requiring an investment of time, finance and emotion.

Pet ownership improves health.  If the dog doesn’t get outside to do his business, the pet owner will be wiping up pee-pee puddles more often than he’d like. If the dog doesn’t get regular exercise, then they start to exhibit all kinds of destructive behaviors  around the house. These realities motivate the owner to be consistent about taking daily walks with their pet.  Not only does this help burn calories, but it promote mental health, providing a chance to be out in nature, socializing with others, and clearing a busy mind for a few moments every day. All relationship manuals in the world recognizes the benefits of staying emotionally, mentally and physically healthy and active.

Pet ownership provides emotional support. People that regularly spend time with animals learn to both give and receive affection. The effective existence of therapy pets prove that people with cats or dogs, experience feelings of comfort and unconditional love in their lives. When a person feels well-loved, they are better equipped to overflow that affection to others and be more emotionally available in relationships.

Even if you didn’t need any more encouragement about the benefit of having a cat or dog in your life, here are plenty of reasons to be happy that you do. Pet ownership not only benefits our love lives by helping us have healthier relationships, but they make us better human beings as well!