How to Tell If You Are a Dog Person

People are often drawn to pets, people, and environments that reflect themselves. This logic would imply that people who prefer one kind of pet over another might share specific traits as their animal of choice. Though humans are far more complex than terms such as “introvert” and “extrovert” suggest, tests and studies show than the typical “dog person” or “cat person” have similarities in lifestyle and personality. If you are trying to decide what kind of per would be the best fit for your, see how you line up in regard to characteristics of many cat people and or traits that most dog-lovers have.

Are You a Dog Person?

Dog people: These enthusiastic individuals are hard to miss. They are usually the ones stopping to pet every pooch they pass on the sidewalk, or constantly referring their pet as “my baby” or showing off pictures of their furry friend. But if you have never owned a dog, it can be tough to know how to gauge whether or not you are ready to be a “dog person.” Before you head to the rescue home in search of a new pet, glance at some of the characteristics below to see if you share similar personality traits with professed dog-lovers.

  • You are excited to meet new people. Not only that, but when you meet people you automatically expect that you will get along with them and even become friends. Have you ever heard the phrase “He never met a stranger?” If that can be said about you, you might be an ideal canine companion.
  • You easily connect with a variety of people. You don’t necessarily have a “type” of friend. You love spending time with many kinds of people, from different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds from you. Discrimination isn’t in your vocabulary. From discussions with intellectuals, to shooting hoops with your pals, or giving your two cents about the latest trend of hot topic, you connect with a lot of unique people, and always bring something to the table. If you easily find the common ground with others, whether that is commiserating about traffic with the guy on the metro, or setting up tennis matches with a girl you just met, you display the same enthusiasm for relational connections that canines effortlessly possess.
  • You love being out in nature. Let’s face it, dogs rarely will turn down an opportunity to go outside. Dog people are the same way: they love walking, hiking, enjoying a sunset stroll, or a game of smash ball or catch with a pal. You enjoy stopping to smell the roses, walking in an environment of open spaces, fresh air, and being a part of the greater world around you.
  • You love to learn and explore. Whether it is tackling a new activity or sport, traveling to a new country, or charging up a mountain side, you have a bug to get out, see the world and experience new things. Dogs will dig their nose down to discover what is in hole, or jump right into to unfamiliar waters; and their owners tends to have the same tenacity for exploration.
  • You know the power of a good incentive. You set your sights on that end-of-the-year bonus, or have pinched pennies to save up for that new car or pricey plane ticket. You are willing to stay disciplined for the pay-off, which is exactly what dogs do when they practice their tricks and skills for a dog treat. Rewards are something to be earned, and you (and dogs in general!) are willing to work for them.
  • You are easy-going and forgiving. If your pal accidentally spills his drink on your carpet, you don’t flip a lid. If your neighbor’s dog left hair on your pant leg, you’d brush it off but smile when you think of how adorable he was. Though you do put effort into how you look and do consider the appearance of your living room, you understand that people make mistakes and accidents happen. Whenever relationships are at stake, you are willing to roll with the punches in favor of good vibes and a happy environment.
  • You are observant and perceptive. Body language communicates volumes, and no dynamics are lost on you. You can tell if someone needs space, or if they are on the verge of sharing something important. It’s clear to you when a co-worker seems distressed or uncomfortable, or if someone is threatening or making others uneasy. Though your inclination is to expect the best in people, your observation skills make you an intuitive and perceptive person.
  • You respect authority. This might looking like simply not stepping out of bounds at work, or remembering to come to a full stop at every infamous red octagon. You are not-naturally a rule breaker. Yes, you might think outside the box, tweak the limitations, or have a random streak of spontaneous rebellion. But in general, it is your first inclination to acknowledge authority and be respectful to others.
  • You are a loyal friend. You were the one in college who stayed in touch with your mom. Your friends know when they are having a tough day, you are the first to get out the wine and tissues, or suggest something to help get them through. Friendship is something you prioritize and take seriously, and you expect the same kind of loyalty from your closest circle of friends or your family “tribe.” You are wary of noncommittal and inconsistent people, and may have been deeply hurt by disloyalty in the past, which is why you value the virtue so greatly.