Pets With the Christmas Spirit

Some people like adding their dog to the Christmas card, or take them out caroling in the snow. Others simply decorate and celebrate the festivities without involving their pets at all. But when you have a furry friend just lounging around while the ornaments go on the tree, it can be easy to come up with fun ways to infuse a little holiday spirit into your resistant dog or cantankerous cat.  Whether these were self-induced or pet owner-instigated, here are some pictures of adorable pets who know Santa is on his way!

Every creature views Christmas a little differently… especially this cat who sees the tree as vantage point for his purposes.

This pooch saw a photo op…. and he took it. Perfect for his canine Christmas card!

This kitty looks less like Dasher or Dancer, and more like a deer in the headlights.

This Cavalier King Charles Spaniel might be taking the season a little too far… this “bah-humbug” clearly doesn’t want anyone coming near his presents!

We’re excited about Christmas too, but this pup might need to curb his enthusiasm just a bit.

This little guy doesn’t seem remotely interested in jolly old St. Nick.

Then there is the “Light Muzzle.” We hear it’s all the rage this season.

Sometimes we pet-owners can really be a pain during the holidays.  Good thing our cats and dogs comply with the craziness and still manage to love us anyway!