Tag: Cats

  • Pregnant Women And Cats

    Having a new baby is a life-altering event, especially if you are the proud owner of pets. There are many cautionary tales about cats interacting with babies or pregnant women getting sick from their pets. Below is a simplified summary of what all cat-owners need to be aware of while pregnant, as well as how…

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  • baby next to black cat

    Cats and Newborn Babies

    There seems to be an idea that cats and newborn babies do not mesh well. The apparent vulnerability of a newborn child and the seeming unpredictability of a cat make for various concerns about whether or not it is safe for babies to be around the family feline. While leaving a helpless child unsupervised by…

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  • Cat Scratch Disease – Causes and Symptoms

    Playing with a kitty is a pastime not many people would turn down. We seldom consider that a roly-poly kitten could be a carrier of serious diseases, but unfortunately many do. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD), or Cat Scratch Fever, is an infection spread through bacteria found in cat’s saliva, blood and nails through a bacteria…

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  • cat looking out the window

    Entertaining An Indoor Cat

    It’s the middle of winter and you may be wracking your brain for more ways to keep your indoor cat a happy camper.   While some pet owners start to pity their pets’ weather-induced confinement, we still encourage people to keep their cats inside for a plethora of reasons. Indoor cats are more likely to be…

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  • Scottish Folds and the “Buddha Pose”

    Scottish Fold cats are a unique breed known not only for their famously curled ears, but also for a number of distinct stances and poses that few other feline breeds often mimic. It all starts with the famous stance, like the one pictured here: Couldn’t help but to steal my cousin’s photo of her standing…

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  • persian cat sleeping

    Do Cats Dream?

    While the simple answer to this question would be yes or no, the reality is a bit more complex than that. Most scientists and animal behaviorists believe that several factors indicate that felines do dream just like humans. When in a deep slumber, cats twitch, drool, even run, mutter or whimper in their sleep. However,…

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  • scratched hand

    Getting Scratched by a Cat

    Felines love playtime with their owners, but even the most well-behaved kitty-cats can occasionally get carried away. Anyone that has owned, fostered, watched or bathed a cat knows that getting scratched is not fun, especially if the scrape happens to get infected. Here are some quick tips and words of advice when it comes to…

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  • Recognizing Animal Abuse

    You’ve passed your neighbor and his German Shorthair Pointer a few times around the block, and something just doesn’t feel right.  Maybe the person takes a very rough hand with the pup, or maybe there is even physical evidence of negligence in health care, or fear and anxiety in the pet. Unfortunately, animal abuse is…

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  • So Ugly It’s Cute: Cats

    It’s tough to find a cat or dog so ugly that they strike fear into human hearts.  Usually when a cat is awkward, or a little on the unattractive side, we just find them endearing. Here are some of the best cats that make you go “Yikes! I love it!” This water-hating cat is less…

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  • Why Do Cats Spray?

    Felines have unique ways of notifying the world of their presence.  They rub against furniture or human legs, they sprawl across common spaces, and leave claw marks by scratching surfaces. Rubbing against or stretching out over a couch, bed or other surface leaves a cat’s personal scent (which is emitted through scent glands on his…

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