Tag: Cats

  • Useful Facts About Fleas

    When parasites set in, they can be very difficult to overcome. Many pet parents have informed us that no matter how hard they try, or how many products they use, the fleas just don’t seem to go away. That may be for a number of reason: perhaps they are not disinfecting their home, car, clothes,…

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  • 5 Ways Owning a Cat Makes You Happier and Healthier

    Cats are a strange combination of the utmost composure, and sporadic insanity. Their routines, daily habits, and personalities have ever caused these pampered pets to be some of the most highly favored animals in the world. Even the most devoted dog fans can’t deny the amazing benefits below that owning a cat has on a…

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  • Disasters About Which Pets Warn Us

    There are countless reasons why canine companionship has proven invaluable to humans. Their keen “sixth sense” and perception allows them to often know that something will happen before we do. From earthquakes to heatstroke, find out about a dog’s uncanny ability to sense danger, and how they warn us about it. About What Types of…

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  • Maintaining a Dog-Free Garden

    Whether you prefer growing roses or creating your own private pumpkin patch, cultivating a garden is no small undertaking. With all the weeding, bending over shrubs, watering and waiting for a highly anticipated payoff, gardening requires hours of work and dedication. If you are also a dog owner, this could pose a problem, since you…

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  • Our 10 Favorite Sour Puss Cats

    We’ve all seen them. Sitting out in the rain, bedraggled and hopeless. Morbid-looking felines smothered by thousands of kisses, or humiliatingly adorned in silk and bows. Here is a tribute to pathetic cats that tolerate so much from their overly doting owners. The cat that doesn’t want to be touched, thank you very much. The…

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  • How to Find Good Homes for Your Pet’s Litter

    Your cat or dog recently gave birth, and though you are in love with each of the fur-babies you know you can’t keep them all. Instead of wanting to get all the right paperwork, and sell the puppies or kittens for a high price, you are more concerned about finding them good homes as soon…

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  • Questions to Ask Prospective Pet Owners

    You may not be a professional dog breeder, but it doesn’t take a pro to learn how to deal with prospective pet purchasers. If your dog or cat has had an unexpected litter, and you are doing all you can to find a good home for the animal, there are some useful tactics to employ…

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  • Giving Pets Away For Free?

    From newspaper ads and online classifieds, to posters on coffee shop boards, you may see advertisements for puppies or kittens that are “free to a good home.” This is usually offered by pet-owners who are not seeking to profit from their animal’s offspring, but rather want to secure safe places for the little ones. While…

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  • Illegal Pet Trade in Europe

    Some of the greatest tragedies in the world occur in human trafficking and animal poaching. With such horrible crimes occurring on a daily basis, it is no stretch of the imagination to accept that the same is also happening to dogs and cats across the globe. Thanks to a charity called Dogs Trust, there have…

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  • Adopting a Second Cat

    For some people, one cat would supply all entertainment and companionship they would ever want. But for others, once the feline love-bug has bitten, they can’t imagine stopping at just one cat! For those who are considering adopting a second kitty into the mix, here are a few tips on how to integrate kitty #2…

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