Tag: Cats

  • Types of Flea Control Products

    As any experienced pet parents can attest, a flea infestation may be expected at least once in a pet’s life (particularly if that pet is a dog). Running around outside, meeting and playing with other animals at the park or on a walk means your dog or cat will be exposed to a variety of…

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  • What To Look For in A Pet Trainer

      Training a dog takes plenty of work whether it is a puppy, adolescent or adult dog. However, not every pet owner has the time to train their pet themselves, or help them get to the preferred obedience and skill level. Fortunately, there are trained professionals who enjoy working with even the most recalcitrant and…

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  • Stereotypes About Dog-People and Cat-People

    There is a difference between making observations about people, and negatively stereotyping them. Society is forever attempting to understand and label people based on their habits, life choices, preferences and activities. As absurd as it is to pigeon-hole individuals based on some surface-level aspects, it does occur. While there might be studies proving them certain…

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  • How to Treat Hot Spots

    Hot spots are an unpleasant side effect of diseases, infestations, topical infections, allergies and rashes, etc. They can be caused by a number of triggers that may be challenging to amend. Though we have discussed preventative measures that can be taken to protect animals from developing hot spots, how should pre-existing ones be treated? From…

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  • How to Tell If You Are a Cat Person

    Most people immediately know where they stand with pet preferences. Some folks are devoted dog-lovers, while others wouldn’t think of owning anything other than a cat. Then there are those people that would happily house anything with (or without) fur!  But if you fall in neither category, and are undecided about your own preference, can’t…

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  • Myths About Adopting Pets

    In recent years, adopting pets from rescue homes and animal shelters has greatly increased in popularity.  Awareness about the cruelty and negligence towards pets in puppy mills and the elitism and expense of buying animals from breeders has caused adoption to be viewed as a preferable alternative. However, among many prospective pet parents, there remain…

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  • How to Prevent Hot Spots

    Both cat and dogs suffer from bald patches when they scratch one area of their skin too often. Though there are many contributing factors to what causes hot spots, it is important for pet owners to learn how to help their pets avoid discomfort and pain by helping prevent the skin sores from developing. Like…

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  • Trouble In Paradise: When Your Cat Doesn’t Like Your Significant Other

    Cats tend to live by their own rules, and when they don’t like something, it is obvious. This can be particularly demoralizing to budding relationships when the feline apparently doesn’t approve of the new boyfriend or girlfriend. When dogs dislike someone, they may sense something negative about the individual, or distrust them for some reason.…

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  • How to Keep Predatory Animals Away From Your Pet

    Pet parents are understandably devastated when a predator attacks their pet. Whether it was a wily coyote, a watchful bird of prey, or a defensive venomous snake, there is always great remorse when a domestic pet is lost. Fortunately, with a little foresight and care, these kinds of traumatic events can be avoided. It is…

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  • Breaking Bad Habits: Keeping Your Cat off the Kitchen Counters

    Some cat breeds are so sociable, that they like to be a part of whatever you are doing. If you are reading, they like to snuggle on your lap; if you are cooking, they like to sit on the counter with you. What may have begun as a sweet display of devotion quickly becomes an…

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