Tag: Cats

  • The Most Dangerous Predators of Domestic Pets

    When we think about wild animals that notoriously prey on domestic pets, the usual suspects come to mind. Coyotes, birds of prey, and mountain lions seem to be the ones we are quickest to blame. However, one of America’s largest pet insurance companies (the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company) recently reported a surprising list of animals…

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  • When to Use Elizabethan Collars

    Often called the “cones of shame,” Elizabethan collars are a far cry from the royal adornments of the Renaissance Era. The thin plastic cone clasps around a pet’s neck in order to remove their ability to reach parts of their bodies with their mouths. When a dog or cat wears the plastic cone around their…

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  • Mistakes Pet Owners Make When Feeding Cats

    Cats can be persnickety eaters. But making sure a feline receives the proper nutrients is up to the pet not the cat. From overfeeding with certain products to underfeeding with others, here are some of the many mistakes pet owners make in food department. Read these reminders of what not to do when you are…

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  • Felines and Fish Tanks

    Cats are natural hunters. With incredible eyesight and razor-sharp focus cats will wait patiently for their prey, or stalk them with dauntless devotion.  This is great news for rodent-ridden residences, whose inhabitants want their cats to be good “mousers;” but those who own a beautiful array of exotic tropical fish might find this fact a…

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  • How to Identify Your Pet’s Food Allergy

    Watching a pet suffer through the uncomfortable symptoms associated with food allergies can be very discouraging. Since dogs and cats may be affected by various kinds of non-food allergies  and seemingly incalculable potential food allergies, it can be difficult to know how to solve the problem. Pet owners may begin by determining if the pet…

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  • Types of Allergies In Pets

    We often hear of individuals being allergic to cats and dogs, but how often do we think of allergies in pets? If scents, pollens, plants and foods can affect humans, then it seems only reasonable to suppose that they would similarly have an impact on pets. By domesticating animals, we have brought them into our…

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  • Hot Spots: What Are They and Why Do They Occur?

    Dogs and cats are known to scratch, lick, itch and nibble at everything they can get their paws on, from the carpet, couch cushions, curtains, to their own coats. While much of these behaviors are normal, when a pet’s attention is particularly directed to one area of their fur, bad infections can ensue. Fortunately, these…

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  • Cat Sneezing: Allergies or Illness?

    Some of the most popular videos on the internet are clips of kitties doing funny things. Mixed in with the videos of cats chasing bugs and lasers, or falling and tumbling, are clips of cats sneezing. This is adorable to witness, and seeing a pet sniffle or sneeze periodically generally occurs without raising any concern,…

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  • Reasons for Food Allergies In Pets

    Usually, whenever someone says they have allergies, we think of hay fever, pollination, tissue boxes, sneezing, wheezing and runny noses. However, pets suffer from many kinds of allergies, and aside from atopy (inhaled allergens) and flea bite allergies, food allergies are the most common cause of reactions in pets. If your dog or cat is…

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  • Why Do Cats Urinate Outside the Litter Box?

    Much to the frustration of the diligent cat owner, some feisty felines will urinate outside of their litter box. Not only does this create an unsightly (and unsanitary) puddle of stench but it also leaves their handler perplexed as to what may have caused this strange outburst.  While the bizarre behaviors of cats are nothing…

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