Tag: Cats

  • Top 10 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

    Old wives’ tales have circulated for decades implying that having a cat of dog “fixed” would jeopardize their health, make them fat and lethargic, or take away their self-esteem. These unfounded myths have discouraged many pet owners from taking the responsible route of neutering or spaying their animals. Here are our top ten reasons a…

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  • Yoga Posing Pets

    Dogs can cats have great spinal flexibility, and often contort themselves in silly stances and stretches.  Whether they realize it or not, many of the things these animals do naturally closely mimic yoga poses that we humans work hard to achieve. Giggle along with us as you peruse some of the more “enlightened” animals practicing…

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  • Must-Reads for Cat Lovers

    From classic stories to farcical comic books and contemporary novels, countless works have been written about cats. Whether you are looking for a heart-warming summer read, or a heart-racing mystery book, glance at our list below for some literary delights that await the world of cat-lovers. The List Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (T.S.…

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  • Birth Control for Pets

    Birth control was once thought to be the privilege of humans alone. However, as overpopulation is an increasing problem in the United States, those working in rescue homes or pet shelters see the benefit of limiting animal’s reproductive abilities without surgery. Additionally, pet owners have also sought other options to limit breeding than simply spaying…

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  • Pet Pheromone Treatments

    Like humans, cats and dogs emit biologically active chemicals called pheromones. They are designed to communicate, calm or attract other animals of the same species for one purpose or another. For example, female dogs emit pheromones near the chest to help their nursing puppies, causing them to relax and nurse better. The biologically active elements…

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  • What To Do When Your Pet is Pregnant

    For first time breeders or future pet-grandparents, the concept of a pregnant dog or cat in the house can be rather daunting. When your pet is showing all the signs of pregnancy, here is an easy to-do list to help you navigate the coming weeks ahead. Pet Pregnancy To-Do List Get confirmation from a veterinarian:…

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  • Pets As Family Members: What is Too Far?

    Dogs are traditionally referred to as “man’s best friend,” and the concept of “crazy cat lady” came from lonely people finding solace in the company of loyal felines. There is no doubt about it that animals warrant a special place in human hearts, but is there ever a time when pet prioritization crosses the line?…

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  • dog carrying a us flag

    4th of July Hazards for Pets

    Independence Day is decked with red, white and blue banners, and filled with BBQs, games in the sunshine, friends and families gathering under the stars for the traditional firework show. It sounds like the perfect American day –for humans, that is. Pets are subjected to all kinds of stresses on this holiday,  from the unsettling…

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  • When Kittens Bite

    Cats are natural stalkers and hunters, and from their earliest days, they bite, scratch and practice their skills with enthusiasm. Every pet owner has his or her own tactics on how to deal with the problem of biting.  Fortunately, when the animal is small, they are young enough to handle, and are impressionable enough to…

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  • close-up of Pug's face

    10 Selfless Things People Do for Their Pets

    Sometimes we find ourselves asking “Why do we do the things we do for our pets?” From getting up at the crack of dawn for a potty break, scrubbing soiled carpets, to removing eye boogers, pet parents daily show their love through a variety of ways. However, not all expressions of affection are pleasant. Here…

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