Tag: Cats

  • Munchkin Cats

    Part of what makes felines so majestic and graceful, are their long legs and lean bodies. However, in a rare mutation of genes, cats may sometimes be born with much shorter legs, causing them to stand roughly 4-6 inches tall. The result is a breed known the “Munchkin cat.” Origin of The Munchkin Breed The…

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  • Pros and Cons of Dog and Cat Cafes

    The concept of combining cats and dogs with delicious warm beverages, might sound like a snuggly dream to some people. Others may immediately imagine the pet hair getting in the drinks, the loud meowing or woofing, potential cat fights, urine-smelling floors, and dogs spilling coffee everywhere. It might sound like mayhem! However, with dedicated staff…

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  • closeup of old labrador retriever

    Making the Difficult Choice: To Put Down or Let Die Naturally

    There is nothing worse than realizing your precious pet might be nearing the end of his life. Animals often become like best friends or family members in spite of their brief interludes on earth. Dogs tend to live an average of 12-13 years while cats have live longer, up to 15-18 years. When you witness…

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  • man running on the beach with dogs at sunset

    Preventative Healthcare for Cats and Dogs

    The best medication is the kind you never need to take. One of the greatest ways to ensure a medication-free life for your pet, is to help him maintain a healthy lifestyle. Keeping him emotionally well, mentally stimulated and physically fit is an ideal way to protect against harmful diseases and provide a safeguard for…

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  • How to Explain a Pet’s Death to Children

    Death is never an easy conversation topic to discuss with children. When a child has helped raise a pet, and is deeply attached to them, it can be devastating to find that the end is near. How you communicate that your dog or cat may be dying will vary greatly based on the child’s age…

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  • What To Do When Your Pet Dies

    Nobody likes to think about the day they will lose a beloved pet. Domestic animals become close companions experiencing life’s joys and sorrows with their owners for often more than a decade. One of the great tragedies of pet-parenthood, is the fleeting length of an animal’s precious life; yet death is inevitable for all creatures.…

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  • 10 Conversation Starters About Cats

    Have you ever met someone and been at a complete loss at what to say?  Beyond the whole “Hi, my name is…” intro, it can be tricky to find interesting topics of conversation with a stranger. Why not put a spin on things, and talk about animals?  You could start with “Just to be clear,…

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  • Vet Visit Checklist: Preparing for Your Pet’s Physical

    Most pet parents assume when they take their cat or dog to the vet, that their only job is to make sure the pet survives the car journey and arrives there safely. While driving with pets can be traumatizing for the animal, and can cause motion sickness, the pet-owner has far more responsibility that simply…

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  • How to Treat Cat Pica

    There may be several reasons that your cat has the behavioral issue of pica, yet because it could be a signal for a concerning health problem, visiting the vet is necessary. If you notice a pattern of your cat gravitating toward inedible items, and attempting to eat them, then the first course of action is…

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  • The Best Children’s Books About Cats and Dogs

    Children relish having stories read aloud to them, particularly when the tales include animals! From cantankerous cats to heroic hounds, below are a few of our favorite short stories and picture books about pets. Each turn of the page will enchant both adults and children alike with memorable limericks, rhymes and dynamic illustrations of the…

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