Tag: Cats

  • Pica: Why Cats Eat Weird Things

    As many cat-owners can attest, certain household objects seem to be oddly enticing to cats. Though their food bowls may be full and there is no shortage of treats, some felines are still inclined to bite, chew and even ingest unusual items. Why do cats eat strange things? Veterinarians and behaviorist call this inclination “pica.”…

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  • Cat in veterinarian clinic

    Pets’ Annual Physical Exam: What To Expect

    Are you about to take your cat or dog to the veterinarian for their first annual physical? Before you hop in the car, educate yourself about the kinds of inspections your pet should receive in his annual exam. Though any vet worth his salt will give a thorough review of everything in this list, be…

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  • The FURminator - pet brush

    The “FURminator” De-Shedding Tool: Does it work?

    We have all experienced that wits-end moment with our animals when we just can’t seem to kick the pet hair issue. Tufts of fur seem to appear everywhere, from floor corners, to chairs, car seats, and bed spreads. Nothing is worse than sitting on the couch in your new work pants, and standing up to…

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  • Abyssinian cat

    Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

    When shopping for a family pet, one of the most basic considerations aside from their health and appearance, is the cat’s temperament and personality. Families with multiple children and frequent visitors will likely want a cat who will engage socially, express affection, and enjoy ample attention from both from visitors and from their family. When…

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  • bulldog puppy lying down on books

    Pet Training Terminology

    Pet training can sound like a foreign language at times. Instead of trying to decipher the meanings of terms and understand what the dog trainer might mean, here is a quick run-down of the relevant phrases often used by dog trainers or in instructional training guides. Temperament: This refers to the deeply innate tendencies that…

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  • Pet Training Methods

    Pet owners who have been to training class, or have watched obedience training videos might have heard terms like: catching, shaping and luring. While those might sound like something you do with a cold, a piece of art, and a fishing rod; they are actually useful terms describing methods of how to get the best…

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  • puppy being trained using clicker

    What is a Clicker & How do they Work?

      With all the training techniques discussed today, each veterinarian, animal behaviorist or trainer seems to have his or her own preferred method of training. Most pet owners have probably heard the term “clicker training” from other pet parents or friends. A clicker trainer is an audio device that helps canines associate good behaviors with…

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  • Whipworm (Trichuris Trichiura)


    Whipworm (also known as trichuris trichiura) is one of the five most common worm parasites that infect dogs and cats. These whip-shaped worms pass through their host’s excrement, and disintegrate into the soil, ground, or surfaces where other animals and humans frequent. If the infected particles are passed to the mouth or nose or are…

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  • Heart worm life cycle graphic


    Heartworms are one of the most serious parasites an animal can contract. Beginning as microfilaria in the bloodstream mosquitos, the insects store the bacteria in their salivary glands, which then develop into infected larvae which the mosquito deposits into the animal it stings. The larvae then begins to develop inside the host animal for the…

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  • Ukrainian Levkoy

    The Ugliest Cat Breeds in the World

    Since felines tend to have more similarities in appearance than the variety of unique canines that exist, it is difficult to measure “ugliness” in the same way. However, both hairless and fur-covered felines have been striking fear into human hearts for centuries, often inspiring both worship and terror. Look at the breeds below to see…

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