Tag: Cats

  • What Causes Motion Sickness in Pets

    The term “motion sickness” or kinetosis refers a discord between vision and feeling, or is caused by an imbalance in equilibrium. In relation to human and animal experience, motion sickness occurs when movement is felt but not seen (as when one is inside an enclosed boat cabin), or seen but not felt (as experienced while…

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  • Ornate Grooming Treatments for Pets

    Respectable pet groomers provide a variety of treatments intended to improve the health, hygiene and appearance of the dog or cat. Basic treatments and packages include anything from deep-cleaning dental work, ear and eye inspection, to anal sac expression, nail buffing and trimming, as well as coat washing, brushing, and moisturizing. Through these basic routine…

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  • dog waiting by a door

    Top Ten Mistakes Pet Owners Make

    Rearing animals is not as easy as it seems. There are plenty of pitfalls, faux paws (pun intended!), and mistakes that many rookie pet-parents make. Review the list below to see what problems occur most frequently, and why they ought to be avoided. Top Ten Mistakes Spontaneous Pet Purchasing. Let’s face it, we have ALL…

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  • Calming Collars for Cats and Dogs

    In the world of pet care, there always seems to be some emerging technology or tool that is designed to aid pet-owners in their animal management. One of the more recent fads has been to adorn a dog or cat with a “calming collar” to lower stress levels and end destructive behaviors. Some collars emit…

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  • Snow Leopard

    Endangered Wild Cats

    From the largest of jungle dwellers, to the tiny cats that live in desert caves, some of the world’s most stunning wild cats are facing extinction. With rampant poaching, and sparse land and resources, these mighty hunters are scrambling to find food and shelter; some having to abandon their natural habitats to survive. Look at…

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  • Devon Rex cat

    Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

    Fortunately for allergy suffering cat-owners, it is not only the canine species that has hypoallergenic breeds.  Certain felines also have coats which shed less and release fewer allergens than other cat breeds do.  Like dogs, there may not be an entirely allergy-free cat, but some felines seem to emit less of the agitating elements that…

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  • Beware of Scams: When Someone Calls About Your Lost Pet

    Losing a dog or cat can be stressful and traumatic, rendering the pet owner ragged with emotion after many days of searching and hoping.  Though you may be praying every day to get that “I found your pet” phone call, be shrewd in how you deal with people and have a plan in advance about…

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  • How to Remove Urine Stains with Home Products

    Every pet has an accident from time to time, whether it is a puppy being potty trained, or an aging cat suffering from kidney disease. Whatever the case may be, finding a puddle of odorous urine is certainly an odious discovery. Fortunately, there are a number of waste-removal methods that will eradicate evidence of unsightly…

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  • The DON’Ts of Pet Training

    Note: This blog will say a lot of unpleasant things like “DON’T” and “NO” and “NEVER EVER DO THIS.” Just remember it is all for the good of your pet, and for the improvement of your happy pet-housing abode. Both dogs and cats are intuitive and impressionable animals. They can sense moods and tones acutely,…

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